to admitted/accepted students- what did high school look like?

<p>This isn't really a "what are my chances?" post, but I'm wondering what grades/ACT it takes to get into UW Madison. I'm PSEO, and everything was looking GREAT until I took a Chem class with a sucky professor... Is there anyone else that had like, one terrible grade but a fantastic GPA and ACT? I'm going to take another Chem class to hopefully make up for it, Environmental Chem or something...</p>

<p>Also, if you get rejected during the early decisions, can you reapply for the regular decisions? I'm the oldest... no one in my family knows these things =/</p>

<p>One terrible grade won’t destroy you. The common mistake that I’ve heard about consistently is students who fall in love with their weighted GPA. Most schools are only interested in un-weighted GPA’s. </p>

<p>For my out of state high school, it took a > 3.75 uw GPA and a > 30 ACT for admission. If you in-state, I think the average for GPA and ACT are both lower. Don’t assume you can get in with only one of the above. There are several posts on CC about students who had a great UW GPA, but a low ACT score and they were denied. There were also examples of students with 34 or 35 ACT scores that were denied.</p>

<p>I’m fairly certain that you can only apply once per year. For this past year, if you apply before Nov. 1st, you will get a decision (admit, denied, waitlisted) before Feb. 1st. If you apply between Nov. 1st and Feb. 1st, you’ll get an answer before April 1st.</p>

<p>I would apply as early as possible, unless you think that first semester UW grades will have a large impact on your UW GPA (not likely given it’s the 7th semester).</p>

<p>Indicate your strong interst in UW Madison in your essay.</p>

<p>Good luck!</p>

<p>My daughter was discussing this last night. Of the eight students in the class that she knows of so far that are attending Madison next fall, all have unweighted GPAs over 3.8 and ACTs above 26, most in the 30s. This is an instate school.</p>

<p>my friend with same exact stats as me more or less</p>

<p>slightly higher unweighted gpa 3.93 to my 3.86
same exact ACT 33 for both of us</p>

<p>and i got in but he didnt </p>

<p>i read his essays and they were pretty good too </p>

<p>probably because im half spanish -(spain)
so if youre part of full minority youre chances are better is what im saying </p>

<p>this is OOS btw</p>

<p>My son was OOS also. Admitted and will be attending. GPA UW 4.0, ACT 32.</p>

<p>Can you explain what OOS is?</p>

<p>Out of state</p>

I went on a college tour today and they said in the info session that the middle 50% of students have ACT scores between 27 and 31. They also said that 75% of admitted students are from Wisconsin and Minnesota (yay), but mostly Wisconsin. They have a set quota for OOS students that they can accept. They don’t have a minimum GPA or ACT requirement, and they look at other factors quite a bit.</p>

<p>Also, it was quite exciting! The campus is great, and I had an awesome turkey burger on State Street. I got my questions answered, and I know I’m not the only one who was wondering so I thought I would share this.</p>

<p>OP – in your initial post you asked about whether you can re-apply if you apply early in the fall and are rejected. I read that you can only apply once in a year, so you cannot reapply the same year. </p>

<p>Generally, do the best you can with gpa and SAT/ACT now so that you have a strong application for the fall, can apply and, hopefully, be admitted in late fall/winter. The essays do count, so don’t just throw something together. </p>

<p>Good luck.</p>