Can someone answer this question? serious help needed

<p>Hi, I got admitted into UCSB, I asked this in UCSB forum but only got 1 answer and it wasnt that helpful so Ill ask here
As I am not from from the US my grade system isnt F to A but 0 to 20
my question is, does anybody has an idea of what would a C be in a 0 to 20 system?? (you pass the course with a 10)
also, I didnt know about rescindment so I slacked off and got a 15.5/20 in the first term of senior year(there are 3 terms) I expect a 16/20 in the second term and a lot higher in the third term like 17.5/20
my second question would be, do they rescind you for a single D in any course, I might get a bad grade(14/20 maybe thats a D??) in Spanish(more likely) or Biology(less likely)??
lets say I get a D in a course in 1 term but get B and C in the other 2 terms so in the end the final grade for the course is C, do they look at the C or rescind me for the D in 1 term?</p>

<p>Thanks to anyone who has an answer for any of the questions</p>

<p>Best thing you can do right now is to contact admissions and tell them your situation. Even though you might not get a final "D", just explain to them your situation. My friend thought he was going to get a "F", told admissions about it and they replied saying its ok. But in the end, he passed the course anyways. Good luck.</p>

<p>well I would think a C is 15/20 so youre probably okay...I have no idea though</p>