Can someone explain what this means?

<p>Foreign language requirements for the B.A. and B.S. degrees differ.</p>

<p>For the B.S. degree, the foreign language requirement may be met by completion of the third-year level of a foreign language in high school, or the equivalent third-semester-level college work.</p>

<p>For the B.A. degree, the foreign language requirement may be met in one of two ways: (1) completion of the fourth level in one language, or (2) completion of the third level in one language and completion of the second level in another language.</p>

<p>Students who intend to enroll in a foreign language in which they have had previous noncollege instruction must take the UW System placement test in that language.</p>

<p>What is your question? That’s the explanation I would give. </p>

<p>Total 4 college semesters or HS years, or 3 plus 2 of 2 different languages for BA, 3 of one for BS. They let you use HS work for this.</p>

<p>In order to continue in HS language, to get retroactive credits you have to take the placement test- it is not sufficient to have the classes, you have to prove you learned the material- and take a UW course in it for the credits. You may have taken 4 years of a HS language. Then none needed for BA or BS. Three years- need to take 2 semesters of a second language or place into and complete the 4th semester for the BA. No need to take a test for HS units to count as meeting the college graduation requirement. But to take a course beyond the first semester/starting level you have to test into it. After finishing the college semester you can get college credits for your HS work. Not everyone who takes HS languauge courses will have sufficient knowledge to be placed into the level above the one they completed in HS.</p>

<p>Short answer- if you can take 4 years worth (including middle school) of a foreign language in HS you meet the UW requirements no matter which degree you choose. HS students debating that 4th year- keep this in mind.</p>

<p>What If I took two years of say Spanish in high school? Do I still need to get to that 3rd and 4th level? Because I am pretty sure I would need to restart because I forgot everything about it. </p>

<p>I’m looking to transfer, not future freshmen.</p>

<p>Pretty clear–you take the test and get placed at appropriate level and need 3 or 4 semesters worth total. So if you place into Spanish 2 you take 2 and 3 and 4 if needed for degree you are getting.</p>

<p>Or you plan on 3 semesters of a different language to meet requirements for both BA and BS. You can’t take just one semester of a second foreign language to add up to 3 semester’s worth with 2 years from HS. Many will just do the second language instead of trying to place into the 3rd level of their HS foreign language. You can always study for the placement test in the spring, take it and see how you do.</p>

<p>HS students who can should try to get 4 years worth of a language, or 3 minimum to save semesters in college. It is beneficial to your education to learn more languages- not a bad idea to take them even if you don’t need to in college.</p>

<p>btw- you can get a BA or a BS in all majors in L&S- the science, social science, humanities and language requirements met determine which degree you are eligible for. If both- you choose when you graduate.</p>