Can someone tell me my chances at the top 6 UCs and others?

Hey so

My Freshman grades are pretty poor; this is evident when you look at my GPA breakdowns. However, I have an upward trend in GPA, ending second semester Junior year with straight As. Intended major? I’m thinking about software heavy CS, however I’d like to know my chances undeclared as well.

Standardized Testing Scores:

1420 on SAT - Planning on retaking in August for a 1500+ score.

Took APUSH (750+) and Chem (Bleh. 650+) in June. Will take Math 2 in October.

Course Rigor:

Freshman Year - Honors Bio, AP Human Geo

Sophomore Year - AP Environmental

Junior Year - AP Lang, APush, Honors Chem

Senior Year - AP Physics 1, AP Calc AB, AP Gov, and AP Lit

GPA Boi:

Academic GPA: 3.75 Weighted/3.48 Unweighted

10-12 GPA (and UC GPA): 4.04 Weighted/3.7 Unweighted


4 years Orchestra

Playing music at retirement homes (will do more this summer)

Small cello youtube channel (Planning on making more videos this summer ~ small atm)

2 years outside orchestra group

4 years president of Asia Club.

2 years Math Honors Society

Also planning on doing some tutoring during the school year.

Perhaps I’m ranting now but I can most likely get strong letters of rec from my chemistry teacher and private cello teacher.

In general, how am I stacking up to the UCs. I see UCLA and Cal as strong reaches right now. I’m also looking at Cal Poly SLO and USC.

Replies are greatly appreciated!

SLO does not allow you to apply Undeclared. Going into the UC’s as Undeclared and trying to switch majors for CS can be problematic and not guaranteed. My advice is to apply to a wide range of schools for CS if that is your first choice major and select an alternate as a backup.

CS will be competitive so aim for schools whee your stats are above the 50th percentile.

Just based on UC GPA and test scores, all the UC’s except UCSD/UCLA/USC/SLO are within Reach. These top schools are possible but definitely tough admits. I would add another Cal State or two as Safeties.

Freshman admit rates (2016) for UC GPA of 3.80-4.19:

UCB: 14%

UCLA: 14%

UCSD: 44%

UCSB: 54%

UCD: 58%

UCI: 65%

UCSC: 85%

UCR: 94%

UCM: 96%

Best of Luck.