Can you rank these colleges from best to work for a bachelor in social work?

Marist College
Siena College
Juniata College
Elizabethtown College
Salve Regina University
McDaniel College


I meannnnn you’re going to be applying in the fall right? Have you run the NPC to see if they will be affordable? You should take on as little debt as possible for a social worker degree, they’re not exactly rolling in cash.

I think most social work jobs will request a master’s. You don’t have to have a bachelor’s in social work to do an MSW. Ditto what philbegas said - you want as little debt as possible as it’s not a high paying field.

You don’t need a social work BSW to do an MSW. Many social work schools do offer an advanced standing MSW that takes less time to people with a BSW, so yes, technically you could only do that if you went to Marist and got a BSW. However, I don’t think shaving a year off your MSW is a good reason to necessarily choose Marist. And as was already stated, most social work jobs are going to want you to have an MSW anyway.

Most social workers didn’t major in social work in undergrad.

Goucher and Marist are both really great colleges - sort of undiscovered gems by most people. We have a person in the full-time rotational program in our department who got her BA at Goucher (she’s super smart and a hard worker!)

I simply don’t know a lot about Wagner or Suffolk. Wagner looks like another LAC with above-average students, which is good.

We did a summer tour of Marist and although DS did not feel it was a fit for him, I was very impressed. The school really seemed to be “on top of its game” in all areas. Their freshman retention rate was very impressive. What struck me was not only did they survive the recession, they found a way to thrive in spite of it. Their dining hall and library were just beautiful. It’s not important for your field but their proximity to NYC for finance, business, fashion merchandising, broadcasting, and other majors was key. Lots of great internships. I don’t think anyone could go wrong with the education at Marist (and I have no connection to the school).

IMHO, the best way to achieve an MSW is to do a 4+1 program. A social work license with just a bachelors degree (LSW) is very restricting in job opportunities. There are many schools that offer the combined program.

There aren’t really any rankings of undergraduate social work programs, nor should there be - social work isn’t a particularly prestige-focused field. Instead, focus on making your own ranking of the colleges on the basis of a variety of factors that are important to you - size, location, “vibe”, opportunities, resources, etc.

Marist and Goucher are great, Wagner OK, Suffolk a bit less so.
But your primary criterion if you want to go into social work is net price, since you’ll make very little money. You don’t want anything above the federal loans and as little in loans each year as possible ($2-3,500 a year for instance).
What your EFC?
What are your stats?
What do the NPC’s indicate for eaxh college?

Money’s not an issue btw


I wanna be a social worker, and these schools all seem good, but the only one that has an actual bachelors in social work is Marist. At Suffolk I’d study sociology with a concentration in health & society. At Goucher I’d study in health and medicine, and at Wagner I’d study sociology with a concentration in family studies/social work. Would I only be able to get into an advanced standing MSW program if I go to Marist? And would it not be smart to go to Goucher, Wagner, or Suffolk if I know social work is what I want to do? I just want to make sure I’ll be prepared to be a social worker. Also, if you happen to know, how good are the sociology programs at Goucher, Wagner, and Suffolk?

Ok something got messed up and turned 2 threads into 1