Can you receive an academic scholarship with an SAT CR/M below 1350?

<p>I checked the admissions website, which stated that a 1350 was the cutoff for scholarship consideration. In past years, though, I thought students with lower SAT scores but outstanding grades/achievements received some academic merit money. Anyone care to clarify?</p>


<p>1350 seems to be a general guideline. We have seen some students receive scholarships with lesser scores. I do not know why. Maybe they are urms? Miami, like most schools, does not divulge how they determine their scholarships. Just apply and hope for the best.</p>

<p>It usually varies, but 1350 seems to be magic number. So with lower end up with scholarships and some a little higher sometimes get stiffed. You never know. I see you go to Princeton, I assume you are asking for someone else?</p>

<p>I’m sorry to break this news to you, but unless you are URM, they won’t even give you a penny for an academic scholarship if your below 1350. </p>

<p>Its a strict number they follow.</p>

<p>I got a 1330 (which is 20 points less… I also got a really high writing section score… but that dosen’t matter)… and I was offered… $0.00.</p>

<p>I’m being serious it actually had $0.00.</p>

<p>I called the office last spring, and their reply was… “sorry but you were not 1350 or higher. Nothing we can do for an academic scholarship…etc.”</p>

<p>I mean, that’s not entirely true. Other parts of your application which make you stand out can make up for it.</p>

<p>For example, I had a 1340, 10 points below the cutoff. I also had excellent recommendations from teachers with whom I was really good friends and a good GPA with more than 500 hours of community service (corroborated by my recommendations). And I got a scholarship.</p>

<p>But being a URM really helps, too.</p>


<p>What are your other stats? It is helpful for us to know so that we can get a better picture of who receives scholarships. What was your:</p>

Class Rank
Strength of ECs</p>

<p>Also, Rankinr, could you post the same please? Also what year as I do believe they are now stricter.</p>

<p>SVM Mom is spot on, especially regarding class rank. If it is in the the Top 5% of the class it is possible another area may not have to be at the cutoff.</p>

<p>SVMMom -</p>

<p>GPA - 3.8UW. My school did not weight GPA.
Class Rank - My school didn’t rank, but I was probably top 3 or 4.
Strength of ECs - Extremely strong. I was student government president, had over 500 hours of community service, was voted most valuable member in just about every club I was in, it was an experiential education school so I had a lot of leadership training through camping and travel around the world, as well as experience working with non-profits all throughout my region.</p>

<p>Thanks Rankinr. What year were you a freshmen? I have forgotten.</p>

<p>My daughter’s stats:</p>

<p>Year: 2009
SAT: 1360
GPA: 3.96 UW and 4.32 W
Rank: 3 (but school does not rank)
ECs: Extremely strong
Scholarship: $16,000</p>

<p>I think I’m the same class as your daughter… I came to the University in the Fall of 2009 and will graduate in the Spring of 2013.</p>

<p>I received the Dickinson Scholarship, which is $20,000 per year, and I got a 1280 on my SAT math/critical reading.</p>

<p>What year and what are your other stats please.</p>

<p>Year: 2011 (freshman)
SAT: 1240
GPA: 3.93 UW
Rank: 1/valedictorian
ECs: extremely strong + amazing community service hours
Scholarship: $20,000 Dickinson</p>

<p>Keep in mind that there’s some supply/demand at play here too. The competition for these very large scholarships at now the #38 school in the country, wow, it might get even more difficult! They said that this freshman was the most qualified of them all, but that might not last too long.</p>

<p>I think they look at the whole package. My daughter got 1350 on the SAT, significantly higher on the ACT (according to the conversion chart) and was offered the 24k and a singer invite. They then offered her another 4k with the gables. A couple of weeks before decision time, they upped it another 1k with a Miami grant. She was a very strong student and they were able to see it regardless of the SAT score. There is a method to the madness, even if we can’t seem to figure it out.</p>

<p>I am now a freshman at the University of Miami, and I was accepted with the Dickinson Scholarship ($20,000).</p>

UW: Approx. 3.6 UW, 4.7 W
Rank: Magna Cum Laude (no individual rank)
SAT: 600 Writing, 700 Reading, 560 Math
ACT: 28 Composite Score
800+ Hours of Community Service
National AP Scholar (3 Art History, 3 Government, and 4 English Literature)
National Presidential Service Award
National SECME-Exxon Mobil Scholar ($2,000 scholarship)
Junior Year: President of Mu Alpha Theta and Future Educators of America
Senior Year: President of SECME (Engineering); and VP of SHAPE (Philanthropy), plus many other extracurriculars </p>

<p>But I am also a female Hispanic, so that they have had something to do with it. Also, I’m in their Miami Commitment Program, which gives me an additional $3,000 a year.</p>