Is there any chance of getting a grant or scholarship if you do not have a 1350 CR+M?

<p>For those of us that do not have the minimum 1350 for a scholarship, how much financial aid or grants can we expect to get? I know that I cannot afford UM without one. :( Anyone else in the same boat?</p>

<p>I am in the same situation you are. I know on the site it says you need a 1350 SAT with high GPA, etc.but who knows maybe if they see that the applicant is good enough despite SAT they may give it out. I know someone last year who got the Ronald A Hammond which has its own separate application, unlike other UM scholarships, and it pays full tuition and requires around a 1300-1350 SAT w/o writing. She said her SAT scores weren’t that good but then again her definition of good may be different from mine and she doesn’t remember what her scores.</p>

<p>I just looked into the Hammond scholarship and it says you need a 1250 SAT, so that is something that we can look into. I hope we both get enough money to attend next year. :)</p>

<p>Thanks for the heads up on this one. But then I check out the website. Did you see the rest of the criteria?</p>

<p>Students who receive this scholarship typically fit most of the following criteria:</p>

<p>•Promote Dr. Martin Luther King’s vision of a diverse but unified America
•Demonstrate commitment to increasing opportunities for underrepresented backgrounds, breaking down stereotypes and enabling others to better understand persons of different races and ethnicities
•Will be the first family member to graduate from a college or university
•Belong to an underrepresented background and whose presence will enhance the learning environment through increased cultural diversity
•Reside in a single parent home
•Have challenged themselves and excelled academically</p>

<p>If you fit, good luck with this!! Looks like a great opportunity. Website says they give out 30.</p>

<p>I saw all of that too, I fit into the first generation college student and having challenged myself. Do you think that its still worth applying if I am not of an underrepresented background? I feel like those are the students that they are trying to give the scholarships to.</p>

<p>Who would qualify as an under represented background? I am Indian so not sure if that would? Also what is the ACT criteria for this scholarship? I didn’t do so well om my SAT’s, so I want to use my ACT scorea for this scholarship.</p>

<p>They aren’t very specific about what would qualify. I’m Caucasian so I am almost positive that I wouldn’t lol and it says 28 ACT or a 1250 SAT.</p>

<p>Hi everyone. Okay so as a current freshman at UM I can help with a few of your questions.

  1. If your SAT scores are below a 1350, unfortunately you won’t get a scholarship like 99% of the time. (I know because it happened to me)
  2. The school is relatively generous with grant money to those who need it though/ Florida residents also
  3. For the Hammond scholarship you have to be a minority.
    Hope this helps :slight_smile: and good luck everybodyy</p>

<p>If you get a 1350 or above do you definitely get a scholarship or you’re only ELIGIBLE? Do they give it out most times?</p>

<p>@kacieee3, would you mind posting about your financial situation since you didn’t receive any scholarships? How much in loans did you have to take out?</p>

<p>what’s the ACT score needed for a scholarship since I have a 1340 SAT and a 30 ACT</p>

<p>swimingfly1, that stinks, its says 31 ACT or 1350 SAT. You are SO close on both. I don’t know how lenient they are with numbers but I hope you receive something!!</p>

<p>I had a 1340 SAT score and received a $20,000 scholarship. So please don’t accept generalizations. Nobody knows what criteria they use for scholarships, although it is often speculated that it has to do with class rank, which would make sense in my case. I was #3 out of a class of 500.</p>

<p>^^ Agree with this. My DD’s friend was offered $16k/year with a 1280 SAT. (Yes, I was tacky and asked!) I do not believe she was at the tippy top of her graduating class either. She’s currently a freshman somewhere else, so this is recent info.</p>

<p>We’re going to UM next month for a second visit and I will try to find out more about this at that time.</p>

<p>@beachlove, even if you’re Caucasian you could represent a minority in some other way if you’re disabled or something of the sort. I don’t know much about the scholarship, but if there’s a writing section you can bs your way into being a minority in a variety of ways (I had to explain how I’m a minority on one app and I’m Caucasian upper-middle class and all around pretty average, but I have ADHD and a very minor neuromuscular disorder, so I sort of played those up along with the differences in my upbringing from the other kids in my town, etc, etc.), maybe even religion if you’re not Protestant.</p>

<p>I agree with xleadinglifex, plus your case could be more memorable and unique if you showed how you were a minority in a way that isn’t mainstream.</p>