Can you sit in on a class when you visit?

<p>If I get accepted EA, my parents and I are going to tour UM when we go down next month. I am also interested in sitting in on a class while I am there. I checked their website, but did not see any info about doing this. Does anyone know if they offer it?</p>

<p>Yep, tour guides get requests from the office of admission all the time for prospective students who want to sit in on a class. Just shoot the admission officer for your area an email or give the office a call and they should be able to set it up.</p>

<p>Also, there’s this thing called Cane For A Day. Check it out: <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>The University really goes to huge efforts at this time to make make programs for prospective students and their parents, including information sessions, etc. So this might be the optimal time to do it. Plus, instead of just getting to see one class, you get to spend the whole day with a student.</p>

<p>Thanks! I knew about Cane for a Day, but my mom booked our trip for February and I don’t think we’ll go back down in April lol its fine though, I will definitely contact my admissions officer if all goes well with an acceptance. :slight_smile: Thanks for your answer!</p>

<p>My son is a senior in the Communications School. When I brought him to visit the school in spring 2007, I called the Dean’s office in that school ahead of time and asked if he could sit in on a class. They were very amenable to our request and arranged for it when we visited.</p>

<p>My daughter was invited to spend a day last fall. We had toured the campus the year before and she liked Miami. After this visit, Miami was her first pick. It was a Thursday so the classes were longer. D wants to be a bio major; they picked classes accordingly. She shadowed a premed student to a neurobiology class. Then we went on a one-on-one tour of the campus. Lunch was in the cafeteria, courtesy of UM. My D is a vegan and the cafeteria manager spent considerable time explaining her options. Then we had a consultation with Christi B. Lastly she shadowed a microbiology major to a biochem class. Miami was very clever, they hooked her as no other had before or since. She applied EA…three more long weeks. Good Luck.</p>

<p>Thank you bruceb28 and KeyWest58! I went last winter for their open house and I felt like I needed more one on one with a counselor just to talk. I’m interested in biology and pre-med too and her shadowing sounds like something I would love to do when I visit. Thanks for the advice!</p>

<p>If all you really want to do is sit in on a class, I doubt you really need to call anyone about that (practically). In a lecture hall with 200 students, some of which never show up, I would be surprised if the professor marched up to you and asked if you were actually a part of his/her class.</p>

<p>Hey I’m visiting in Feb too! Hoping I get in. Last time I visited, I contacted the department I’m interested in and scheduled a meeting with someone, and I’m sure they could take you to a class if you asked. I’d just get in contact with your department. They set me up with a peer counselor who was a sophomore and worked in the office, and she gave me a bunch of materials about the curriculum and major and I’m sure if we’d been interested she could have arranged a class sit-in.</p>

<p>@Crador, haha with my luck I probably would get questioned by a professor. I’ll just call ahead to see if I can do that first :)</p>

<p>@learntodive, when in Feb are you going? I’ll be down there the 11-18, not sure which day we’ll drive down to Miami because we’re staying in Fort Lauderdale the majority of the time. Maybe we can visit on the same day :). I read your stats on another post, and you are definitely in a better position than me to get accepted as far as test scores go.</p>

<p>I think I’m visiting campus on the 10th and then just doing general Miami/Coral Gables stuff the next day or so. Getting acquainted with the area around campus, etc.</p>

<p>Well we prob won’t go down until during the week. I hope you have an awesome time though! :slight_smile: How do your parents feel about the distance from home? That’s the only main concern of mine, but I keep telling them that they will have an awesome place to come and vacation during the winter haha</p>

<p>Well, we’ve traveled a ton my whole life, so they were pretty much comfortable with any distance I was. My top 3 schools were TCU, USD, and UM, and I live in Oklahoma. They actually tried to steer me away from TCU, which is only a four hour drive from me, because it doesn’t have my major and it might be playing it too safe, plus a ton of kids from my high school will go there and already do go there so it would be like four more years of high school. Anyways, distance isn’t really an issue for me or my parents. We have a house in Maine and my dad has a business there so they’re going back and forth there all the time, and Maine is the same distance from us as UM. We have the mindset that you can get anywhere in a day on a plane so distance is not an issue. I even applied to a school in Paris, just for fun. Plus, my mom loves the beach and would consider renting a condo there or something if I lived there. They’ll just come visit me every other month or something and I’ll come up for the big breaks instead of every long weekend. Neither of my parents went far from home so they are encouraging of me to expand my horizons. Plus, they think that the fact that I can’t come home all the time might help get rid of the initial homesickness - my mom’s college, which was in our home state, didn’t allow students to leave for the first month because of that.</p>