Canes Emergency Response Team

<p>Any current students involved in CERT? I'm an incoming freshman and I'm considering joining and wanted some more info...</p>

<p>One of my friends is involved with it. There are some mandatory training sessions and they have drills take place through the year. Pretty much you learn how to handle emergency situations and you’re on call in case they happen</p>

<p>My daughter did CERT for Freshman and Sophomore year. UM has a great program. The only problem is that in order to maintain “active” status, you must attend pretty much every meeting as well as their weekend workshops. Problem is that the weekend workshops are held 1 weekend a semester and it is ALWAYS held during the weekend right before finals. She ended up dropping out of CERT for this very reason as she attended every CERT meeting but could not attend the weekend session as she had a 2 finals on the Monday following the weekend session - so her status was “inactive”. It is a great program and I know she would tell you that if you can meet the time commitment to definitely do it. Good Luck</p>