Capstone Scholars Day

Can people who have attended the Capstone Scholars Day in the past share any insight into it? Did you find it really valuable? Is it something you would recommend to others?

I have the same question, so hope someone will come answer. Also does anybody know the Capstone Scholars Day dates? Or is there only the one in January? My son plays in a big hockey tournament that weekend in Detroit, so there’s no way he will be able to make it if it’s the only date.

According to this, that is the only day-

CSDay is a one day only event.

Ive been to one. It’s informative if you don’t already have a lot of info about the school, the honors college, etc.

there’s not a full campus tour, so if you want that, then arrive on Thursday night, and do the Friday campus tour (but schedule that NOW, as those spots book quickly.