Career Path Help??

Hi. I guess this might not be the correct forum to be in but I didn’t know what other one I wanted to choose. I guess my main problem is trying to figure out what career path I want to take. I like to draw and sketch up designs (I’m taking a Drawing and Painting class to do this).
However I’m not quite sure if the art path may be right for me. If anything, I feel like I might be interested in doing Freelance Design along with whatever job I get. Science seems pretty interesting to me. I think my favorite science class has been Biology (Chemistry being a close second).
And then my interest in World History and traveling seems to excite me as well. AP World History was such a cool class to be in. Learning about different cultures and how they clashed and blended together, an interesting concept.
It feels like I’m being pulled in multiple directions. I’m not exactly likes to wait for an answer. I’m planning on taking summer classes at my nearby Community College this next summer before my senior year, and if anything, I’d like some help to decide which route I want to go down. I know it sounds like a lot, but I guess that’s just the way my head is - all jumbled around with different things.