Carnegie Mellon Admissions Fall 2022

Congratulations !! Will CMU move into top 5 for your daughter now? Amazing choices for your kiddo

Son accepted into Computer Science. :partying_face:

SAT: 1530, 3.98/4.64 GPA

Congrats to all that got in today!!


Son accepted to College of Engineering!!


Daughter(International student) got accepted in Architecture today.


Does anyone know how big is the waitlist pool? I see that they only accept like twenty people last year and about a hundred years before. I guess it might be small?

Thank you!! And congrats to your son too!!
We feel blessed :heart:


Roughly it seems like they offer 4K, 2.5K accept and on average 50 get in. So not good but I like the early notice in May.


Accepted into Dietrich, white female!
GPA_ 4.0 UW, 4.84 W
Great Ec’s, a bunch of prestigious service awards, good CA Essay. I’m so happy!

Accepted: UMD Honors w scholarship (in state), UVA, and now CMU!
Waitlist- Amherst, WASHU, Michigan, UNC, Northeastern, BU, and Penn Defer
Rejected- Northwestern :(((


well this don’t look like 50% lol

Accepted CS. Still a little stunned. The past few days have been brutal and the Cal rejection was crushing. This was his #1 choice.


offered priority waitlist for scs…anybody know what the numbers for priority waitlist are like?

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Is there anyone who is just offered wait list, but not priority WL? It seems like everyone is priority WL :slight_smile:


Everyone is offered the priority waitlist. The difference is that if you get the call, you agree to take the spot.

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It’s so strange and completely unpredictable. For us - Priority Waitlist at CMU, Waitlist at Rice, Rejected at Northwestern and Accepted (after a postponement) at Michigan. Mechanical Engineering. Prior to this weekend was decided upon Purdue Honors. Also in at UIUC, Case Western (with large merit $) and a few others. Waitlisted at Northeastern after a deferral.

Priority Waitlist - Mechanical Engineering
1550 (790 Math, 760 Verbal), NMF
98 unweighted gpa (converts to 4.0); highest rigor (took BC Calc as a junior) except no AP English this year (giving himself a break)
Good but not amazing extracurriculars and leadership - not necessarily science focused as we don’t have robotics, etc. - more like Model UN, Stage Crew, Quiz Bowl

We expected a rejection so this is an interesting development.
White male, suburbs of NY

Priority or no priority - not sure DS has the stamina for a waitlist.

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DD as well. Applied BHA but was only accepted into school of Architecture.

Lots of waitlists and this process is so uncertain. DD accepted into Doetrich in economics but nor aure which major. She is interested j. the ba in behavioral econimics in dietrich. Does anyone know if that is a problem if she put down ba or bs in economics how easy within college to get i to behavioral economics and policy? Thank you.

From the 2021-22 Common Data Set so I assume this is university wide:

Do you have a policy of placing students on a waiting list?
If yes, please answer the questions below for Fall 2021 admissions:
Number of qualified applicants offered a place on waiting list:
Number of wait-listed students who accepted a place on the list:
Number of wait-listed students admitted:
Is your waiting list ranked?
If yes, do you release that information to students?
Do you release that information to school counselors?

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My son also got waitlisted to Dietrich for Data Science. To clarify, are you saying that if you get confirm “Priority waitlist”, then you are obligated to take a spot? almost like a “post ED” type scenario? Also, is there any idea when CMU will let students know if they get a spot off the waitlist? thanks