Case Western Reserve Class of 2027 Official Thread

The drop period is pretty long - but he was right. She was trying to take a Chem class and a physics class which are both lecture class/small group discussion/lab setup so the issue was really she would be always in those two classes and have no downtime. He was right. She took the Chem last semester and now the physics. The course she added was officially an invite only one credit history seminar that met once per week. Almost all the history professors took a week and some were asked back. It was adding the woman’s perspective to history (of all areas). You needed a 5 on certain AP history classes to be invited to take the course. If you got an A then you got 3 additional credits for your AP 5. CWRU has things like that for a lot of the AP courses but not all. For credit you have to take a class and sometimes be a major.

There is also a forgiveness thing for first years where they can request the course be completely removed and it disappears from the transcript.

She loves the school. As I type she is currently working at the Maltz Performing Arts Center learning how to run a theatre. A graduating student recommended her as the replacement so this semester they work together. If all goes well it is her job until she graduates. She isn’t work study and wasn’t even looking for work. It just fell into her lap. From what she has seen CWRU is like that. Her roommate is a nursing student. The roommate used to skate competitively and went to watch CWRU compete. Outcome is roommate is now on the team. My daughter as a first year has had major roles in two theatre productions from the theatre department already and was recruited by a student group to play Hamlet (the director is exploring gender issues in the script so the female Hamlet). The only no she has gotten was from the dungeons and dragons club. She went to a meet up with her friend and the club President said there was no place for the two extra players. Silly since it was a recruitment one off. When she described the
Club makeup my daughter and friend were the only girls. Seems the guys didn’t know what to do with girls. No issue she plays without the club.

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It’s really nice that CWRU is so involved with students.
I, personally, went to a school where no one cared if I existed and then transferred to one where I was paid attention to. The latter is certainly nice.


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Lots of schools have research librarians but assigning them to students is rare. So Emory has them but you have to go and find one.

Accepted engineering (CS) after EA deferral. $30k/yr merit. Unhooked male. 3.98/4.5, 1560, NMF, 9 APs, 4 post-AP/DE, Leadership in two CS related clubs, Varsity athlete, CS related internship w/small non profit, self taught musician and PT employment.


Does anyone know about safety of the campus?

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My daughter is there. It’s a city school so like any city people need to be aware of their surroundings. Stating that students tend to walk together especially as it gets dark. They also have a safe ride system and shuttle system that run (one at night the throughout the day). The campus itself is relatively safe. A neighboring area not so much but students don’t go there. The campus is well lit. Of course has the blue light system which extends to all the hospitals and has most of Cleveland’s museums right there so well patrolled. They also have a few safety alert apps and actively use them. My daughter has to walk across campus to the theatre which is actually on the outskirts of the campus. She does this most days and is always fine. When they return students walk together or upperclass happily drive the first and second years. It’s also a very friendly campus where students look out for one another. I have visited to watch my daughter on stage and it feels like a true campus that happens to be in a city. So following street smarts is a must (like anywhere) but students feel safe there.

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Thanks much for the detailed explanation. That makes a lot of sense. Not sure if we will get to attend admitted student events, so want to get some ideas as to the campus beforehand. Much appreciated!! I was looking at YouTube videos, kids there are nice and friendly!

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They are really nice and friendly!


Did anyone hear back on additional scholarship applications? Arts or robotics?

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No news here! S23 applied for the music scholarship and one of the essay scholarships. At this point, he is about ready to move on in his decision making, though.

I heard they’ve been awarded and notifications went out around the same time as RD notifications. I also read that they only notify students if they win and I’m pretty sure I read this on the CWRU Parents FB page. I think it’s pretty crappy that they don’t let the students know either way if that’s how sneed the case.

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Thanks for letting us know. I’ll stop keeping that scholarship in consideration. However, the school is still very much in my son’s top contenders. We’re scheduled to attend an admitted student event as soon as we get back from spring break.

Is anyone else considering CWRU along with Carnegie Mellon? We haven’t visited CMU so don’t know much about the city or campus. We plan to soon. Just curious to know how you’d compare the two campus cultures.


You are correct that they only notify the winners.

I called admissions on Thursday and they confirmed all scholarship offers have gone out.

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My son has decided to commit to Purdue. We had planned to attend the CWRU admitted student event this week but will now cancel that trip. I had already purchased 2 tickets to the Cleveland Orchestra concert for Thursday, April 6. If anyone will be visiting and would like the tickets, send me a DM. The concert is at Severance Hall on campus. Not looking to sell, I just hate to see them go to waste.


Does anyone know if Case Western is still sending out physical acceptance packages with physical letters this year?

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For those on the Waiting List; Check out CWRU Waitlist FAQs

For those wondering about Safety at Case:

Anyone else on here waiting on the WL? Has anyone heard about any movement yet? I know most likely it’ll be after May 1, but would love to hear before and save a deposit elsewhere!

D23 and I are visiting Mount Holyoke tomorrow and Monday for Admitted Student event, but if she gets off the WL at Case she’d go in a heartbeat.

In the meantime, she has to pick her option to commit to. Down to Sarah Lawrence vs Mount Holyoke. Though they messed up (I think/hope?) on the FA at Mt Holyoke, not even close to the NPC - have to meet with them in person this weekend.

Sarah Lawrence has shown her the love from the beginning, starting with EA acceptance, top merit, plus additional need-based. Just not as strong for STEM - but checks every other box, AND she loved the physics teacher she met.

My daughter really wants case and is hoping they reach out to her from the waitlist and she can pay her deposit and buy a T-shirt!
I wish kids not going would press the decline button