Case Western Reserve Early Decision/Action for Fall 2022 Admission

It’s merit not aid but my DS remains on the waitlist so maybe that’s why it’s unclear. Thank you.

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I would think so. The school is trying to give you a feel for what it would look like if being offered admission. After all with a WL you only get a short window to say yes. CWRU has had in the past WLs where 10k were given spots and 5k take spots (for instance)). They are trying to give you and then a chance to see if the WL and a possible school spot would mean enrollment. Mine was an ED student.l and the merit was a complete surprise. In the case of WL it will be a bit more transparent.


The letter says

every Friday throughout the course of the spring, we will be in touch via email to provide you with an opportunity to keep Case Western Reserve informed of your plans and your interest in remaining on the waitlist.

In order to make sure students have as much information as possible when deciding to accept a place on the waitlist, we are providing estimated financial aid packages to students. This financial aid notification is in your admission portal. You will also receive an email telling you there has been an update to your applicant portal.

Should we be in a position to offer you admission from the waitlist, you should expect to receive a financial aid package similar to what is listed below. Please note, an updated financial aid package will appear in your applicant status portal if you are offered admission from the waitlist.
Then Provides an award amount and description
Then it says

Aid Duration

The financial aid outlined in this package is for one academic year. With the exception of university-provided scholarships, you must apply each academic year to receive financial aid.

So it looks like if it says university scholarship it may be annual but it’s vague

The university scholarship is auto renewed without reapplying. It has nothing to do with need so that one the school knows is renewed. If it is actually offered it is for 8’semesters as long as the student meets requirements which would be the academic ones. Full time enrollment, grades etc.


TO: All of you who received this, make sure to open every one of these Friday emails (assuming you want to remain on the waitlist and be considered for admission). Click on links and follow any directions they give you. Good luck


Did anyone receive a Grant? My DD22 is on the waitlist, and she received a good-sized grant along with a scholarship, now based on the above posts I’m wondering if the grant isn’t guaranteed each year.

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Grants usually fall under financial aid as in need based. Those you do apply year to year. You do so with the fafsa etc process and the school than plugs away at what it is a person will get. So generally no not guaranteed but if there is no major change in the financial profile and you complete all the needed information in a timely manner they usually remain. My friend once most her grant to a school and had to leave because her parents forgot to sign off on the fafsa stuff in a timely manner. If someone loses a job or manages to have an upward change in salary things can change up or down. Of course it’s always based on prior year taxes etc too.

I just left a financial aid presentation at Case and they said merit scholarships are auto renewed if full time - the GPA requirement has been removed. Not sure if this applies to need based - I got a little bleary eyed. It’s a lot of info.!

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For the scholarship it says in the letter to meet conditions. I think that is full time enrollment. It’s over 8 semesters instead of years. I would think this is because of the co-OOS, internships etc where students aren’t enrolled in the same way. It wouldn’t count against them.

Are you at the Case spring open house? Going in a couple of weeks. It looks like a busy day - any tips on how to mange the schedule or things to do or avoid?

There are two types of scholarships

  • Merit (non-need based)
  • Need-based

For Merit aid if you are offered 25K it is for all 4 years.

For Need-based financial aid you need to resubmit your Financial info to see if you still have need each year.

If you are unsure, contact the financial aid office.


Thanks! I was a bit shocked on the amount of aid they offered her. It actually puts it in line with most other schools she’s been accepted to, but I don’t think she’s that interested in the atmosphere at Case. We weren’t impressed at all with our tour there and I don’t think she really wants an urban campus for undergrad. We’ve heard it can be very cutthroat and not a lot of collaboration with classmates because everyone is only looking out for themselves. I think she’ll be declining her spot on the waitlist.

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Is there any way to enter this campus without feeling like you will be car jacked or murdered?

We came for the accepted student day in February and didn’t get this impression at all. We drove in through a lovely neighborhood with lots of big houses, and left through Little Italy.

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That is the campus I know too. I visited with my daughter in December and stayed in one of the hotels really on campus. No vehicle and we walked everywhere. Our tour was in the snow. The student leading got asked about safety and as is correct he said it’s in the city so be smart. Don’t walk alone at night. Call for a campus ride, take the free buses and shuttles etc. He mentioned that they get security texts and because if it’s location they know what is happening in greater Cleveland not just on campus. Little Italy and some of the other little neighborhoods surrounding the school are beautiful. I also toured the school in February of 1990 and though some things are different I remember feeling exactly the same groups or transportation at night and otherwise be smart as you would on any campus.

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Bopper provided the clearest most concise explanation of grants and merit scholarships at CWRU.

I will add our experience:
DD 1st yr at CWRU received a generous grant, but no scholarship.
2nd yr at CWRU grant was lower by $4k most likely because my side business earned more than normal.
3rd yr CWRU made her remote (Covid 2020-21) and so no room & board and the grant was another $2k lower.
4th yr back on campus in a nice suite in the village and her grant went up $7k (so it was $1k more than in her 1st yr).

For us, grants did vary each year at CWRU based on each year’s financial circumstances. We are 100% grateful to CWRU and 100% pleased with DD22 outcome at CWRU!

Unfortunately, DD26 was waitlisted by Case. It looks like she is probably going to go to a different direction than her older sister. And we’re excited for her, too!


That’s too bad, I don’t think I’ve ever heard the kids described that way. :frowning:

Hmm, looks like we should assume D (who is on waitlist) won’t be getting any merit scholarship since she hasn’t been notified yet?

@Lakejo and others on the waitlist who were given (non need-based) merit scholarship amounts, was this info in this email only? Or is it now on the portal too?

My D got a similar-sounding email last week, except there was no scholarship award. Instead she was given links to join the Waitlist webinars. Her email was titled “CWRU wants to stay connected with you, [kid’s name]”

I’ll have her email the office on Monday to confirm, but it’s looking like she wouldn’t get merit aid even if she got off the waitlist. But I guess that’s okay, it will help her focus on her other schools. :slight_smile:

Well, she did get the email. For anyone reading and also looking for the info, she got an estimated award in an email on Wednesday called interestingly enough . . . “Estimated financial assistance.” The same day I told her to check her messages. Sheesh, I know her inbox is flooded but I’m gonna kill this girl. :woman_mechanic:


Oh every parent has been there :slight_smile: :laughing:

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