Case Western Reserve University Early Decision for Fall 2023 Admission

Does anyone know when CASE will release early action decision? Website says, before Dec 21st. ED decisions were before 9th but they released it on Dec 3rd itself.


I’ve only seen the 21st - hoping it’s sooner!


Last year it was just before the school closed for break. It allowed us to hop a plane and take the last school tour so my daughter could choose ED2. I would think similar. School closes around the 22nd so maybe the 21st.


Yeah, i believe they published 12/21. Since they released ED a week early, the HOPE is that EA will follow suit.


Last year they released ED1 on 12/11 and EA on 12/21. Not holding my breath for anything earlier than the 21st but it would be nice.

My kid and 2 of his best friends all applied EA there and I am SO hoping that at least one of them gets an acceptance! We’re betting on a deferral for my son, so won’t be super bummed in that case.


Ive seen you on the Pitt thread…all these kids are applying to the same schools! :laughing: Best of luck!


hello, does anyone have knowledge about the experience of students with adhd at case? like what kind of support they are offered, how they managed the difficult course load, if they would recommend it as a school for people with ADHD and attention/executive functioning difficulties? i know case is very academically rigorous so this may seem like an obvious “no”, but I’ve heard that CWRU is very supportive to students in general and that there are plenty of resources for tutoring as well as helpful professors. if anyone has thoughts on this, i’d love to hear them! thanks

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Someone else with experience can chime in on this, but I have one anecdote.

Our student tour guide had suffered a serious concussion during the school year (she’s not an athlete). She said the administration and profs were absolutely amazing about working with her as she recovered and needed accommodations with classes. She went out of her way to mention that, so it rang as sincere.


My son applied to Pitt too but submitted 11/29 so expecting we will have to wait at least 6 weeks to hear back, longer to hear back about honors. It’s not a top choice but the honors program seemed great so he would definitely consider if he got into honors and it’s afforabable (both big IF’s.) Yes, lots of overlap on these threads.

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I know that my daughter’s cousin - also a first year at CWRU - and a nursing major has many an alternative learning need. One of the reasons she is attending Case is the support the school provides students with alternative learning needs. Unfortunately we do not have any specific experience but my daughter shares that this seems to hold for many of her friends.

My son does have a Dx of ADHD and attends Emory. He chose to start at Oxford campus and then move to Atlanta. The office that assists with special learning needs help him complete all paperwork and have his meeting prior to his first semester. Since then he enrolls in classes, shares that he has completed any schedule changes and notifies the office. A letter is then sent to all his professors. Officially he is then to set up a meeting with his professors but he has never had to do so. They initiate with him and then set up a plan to meet his learning needs. For example extra time or taking his exams in a different room or whatever.

Based on what I know of CWRU they are also catering to student needs. I would think the process is similar too. Fill out paperwork and send supporting documents. Have a meeting and then have a plan established with the school
That is then sent to professors. Etc. I do know when you choose to go a student receives a navigator that helps them through the undergraduate experience from moment one. This is in addition to an advisor (or more than one) and a research librarian (to assist in the library). The navigator has been a godsend even to my daughter. Whenever she is not sure where to go or how to handle a situation etc she connects with the navigator and has a person specifically there to help.

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…and since my daughter is there we hear many situations exactly like this. Including staff checking in on a student that was in the hospital after a horrible accident. The supports are there for sure and there are people assigned to help you figure out how to access if you don’t know how.

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thanks so much! this is super helpful, especially because i’m also applying to emory. emory’s peer mentor tutoring program also seems great, btw. i’ll try to look more at the cwru website to see if they have anything like that. thanks again!


that’s great to hear!

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Peer tutoring at CWRU? All students get a certain number of tutoring sessions that they can access, there are peer tutoring groups as well (I see them on Instagram, plus in larger classes SA’s will lead extra learning sessions too. You should be fine.

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Awesome, thanks. I dug a little deeper and found that Case really does have a lot of support. It’s definitely moving up very high in my list!


@blueplaidpjs Check out RIT for Executive Functioning support Spectrum Support Program | RIT


Academic Support at CWRU
What kind of Academic Support does CWRU have?

Peer Tutoring
Peer Tutors are fellow students who are trained to work with you on an individual basis. They can reinforce what you already know, model new ways of learning, and connect notes and readings.

Study Group +1
Students can strengthen their understanding through discussion of course content in a peer tutor-supported study group of no more than 5 students. It allows students to utilize their collective knowledge to achieve the shared academic goal of student understanding.

Supplemental Instruction (SI)
Supplemental Instruction (SI) is available each semester in selected undergraduate courses in mathematics, sciences, and engineering. SI Leaders are trained and experienced peer educators, each of whom has been successful in his or her assigned course. SI Leaders attend the course to which they have been assigned and conduct weekly study sessions designed to give students the opportunity to actively engage in course material.

Spoken English Language Programs
Spoken English tutoring is available for improving pronunciation, conversational, and fluency skills. Appointments are on a first-come, first-serve basis for undergraduate and graduate students.

Writing Center:
The Writing Resource Center (WRC) provides individual support for academic writers across the university.

Personal Librarian:
Personal librarian: Each student is assigned a personal librarian to guide you with research assignments, help setting up a computer and more. You’ll receive your personal librarian assignment before the start of classes, but your navigator can also connect you to your assigned librarian. Librarians are assigned by residence college, but you can also view a list of librarians by academic department.

Academic Inventory
This tool will help you assess important academic skills like time management, goal setting, and note taking. It can help identify what’s going well and possible areas for improvement.

Printable Student Resources
These one-page PDF resources are designed to help students improve their study habits and academic performance. Download and and save or print them for easy reference.


They are building new sophomore dorms. They are scheduled to open when the class of 2027 becomes sophomores. Next year it is still the mix in Clark tower and some sophomores live in the triangle apartments under CWRU contract things.

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This news was announced through local newspapers the past spring. However, we did not see any constructions during our visit in Aug. Just wonder if the plan has been postponed due to the inflation that has caused an increased expense in materials and labor.

Students were told it’s happening.