Catholic University Class of 2024

As a mother whose daughter just completed her first semester at CUA, I have to say that the school is just simply amazing. All professors and everyone else is extremely caring and take so much time with the students. The kids there are a wonderful bunch and we just are so lucky that she is there. She is a double major Engineering and Music.

Son was accepted this week. Math Education Major. 4.0 UW GPA; 35 ACT; 1470 SAT. Honors invitation in portal letter.

No packet yet received. We live in TN.

Son was accepted with a $34k Annual Scholarship ($30K+$4K)

My D was accepted Early Action for Biology and she is 12th in class of 220 students has 4.0 unweighted GPA, All AP or accelerated classes, 1390 SAT, she never heard about getting into Honors Program did it come separate from the acceptance email and mailed packet?
Also anyone hear about Archdiocesan Scholarship yet?

Invitation to the Honors Program was included with the acceptance email/letter. Maybe you want to follow up though with CUA to be sure her invitation to Honors was not somehow overlooked or there was an error?

No word yet on Archdiocesan Scholarship…

My son received the Archdiocesan Scholarship and his Invitation to the Honors Program with his packet in December.

Was it a nomination or did he just get the scholarship outright?

He received the scholarship in the packet that came a few days after the portal was updated. The total of everything was $34K.


My son received the same scholarship via a letter received several days later after acceptance letter. Correct me if I am wrong, but I believe the Archdiocesan Scholarship covers full tuition and is awarded after an interview with faculty. Has this process changed?

Sorry, I just reread the letter. The $4k was for a Parish Scholarship. Not an Archdiocesan Scholarship.

All students who were nominated for the Archdiocesan Scholarship were notified by phone this past week.


Do you work for CUA? You seem to have a lot of knowledge about CUA, so I’m assuming your work for the university. Do you know if that means anyone who was in AD,ED, etc. is no longer in the running AT ALL for even the group that may be called in Feb/March?

Congrats to all those who got calls. Praying for all of you.

How do you know this ? I thought university was still closed

Yes, I work at Catholic University. The University re-opened on January 6 and calls were made during the week.

All of the students nominated were from the early action or early decision admit pools. Those who were seriously considered at early, but not selected, will be reconsidered with our regular decision and early decision II admits. A second round of nominees will be notified on or about March 15.


Thank you for explaining the process. I appreciate it.

Is there a process to be reconsidered for the honors program? Is it better to talk to someone at Preview Day on Feb 15?

Students who seek reconsideration for the University Honors Program should write to the Dean of Undergraduate Admission explaining the interest in the program. The student should arrange to have their first semester grades sent to the Admission Office as soon as they are available. Students will be updated about their appeal by approximately March 15.

@AlfTupper do you have any stats for the Honors program in terms of how many students get selected and average GPA and test scores? My D seems above the average stats for admittance but was not selected, at least in round 1. Thanks!

I inquired with my DDs admissions counselor and she said you needed an unweighted GPA of 3.9 for admission regardless of rigor. They said she can apply during her freshman year.

Out of a target first-year class of 850, the Honors Program is planned for about 110 students.

As part of the review for admission, the admission staff recalculates all GPA’s on an unweighted 4.0 scale. That allows the Committee on Admission (and Scholarships) to consider each candidate with a common understanding of performance across about 1,400 different high schools represented in the applicant pool.

It is accurate that average GPA for those invited into the Honors Program was a 3.9 (actually 3.94). These students have taken the most demanding program of study that their school offers.

For competitive context, 210 students were offered admission through early action and early decision with a perfect 4.0 GPA. We also must leave space for students who have applied through regular decision. We strive to provide all applicants with the same opportunities regardless of which admission plan they use.

Certainly for us, the selectivity of the Honors Program is the most competitive aspect of our admission and scholarship reviews.