CBH Interview

My daughter has been on the CBH waitlist and was very excited to hear from them and now has a Skype interview set up for tomorrow. Yay! Never mind that we really have no idea how to use Skype, we have no idea what to expect. Anybody have any advice, words of wisdom, guidance for a nervous student?

My daughter interviewed for CBH during her Bama Bound 4 years ago. It was an easy interview. Mrs. Batson and two CBH students were there. The sense I got was that they were mostly trying to figure out if she was excited about the program and would fit in well with the other CBH students. It was very low key and there were no difficult questions. She knew at the end of the interview that she was accepted (although I don’t know if they still do that, so I wouldn’t count on it).

@BethsMom Thank you! That’s helpful. I guess she just needs to relax, be herself and show she’s enthusiastic about the program.

Two quick pieces of advice:

  1. have your DD set up Skype and have someone call her on it so she can adjust her screen–if you aren’t careful, you’ll only be showing half your face, or only your chin. This isn’t FaceTime–this should look professional.
  2. Have your DD review her essay she submitted to CBH, so she remembers what she said. It will be pretty casual, but they’ll want enthusiasm, passion for learning and interest in research in her interview responses. Unlike 4 years ago, the reserve pool is more competitive, so I do not think they tell you immediately. However, they’ll tell you before too long, because you have to register for the CBH class at Bama Bound. Good luck. My daughter has loved the CBH program!

Thank you all for your help !