CBHP reserve pool situation


Recently I decided to email Mrs. Batston again with my active interest in joining the program since I am in the reserve pool. I emailed her back in January to confirm my interest in being in the reserve pool for consideration and I emailed her again to follow up with a continued interest for an interview. However, I never received back a reply and I worry that I was out of hand to pry with a follow up email. Am I worrying too much or should there be something I do to make this right?

I wouldn’t worry about it. An e-mail to let her know of your continued interest really doesn’t warrant a response, which is probably why you didn’t get one. I also don’t think e-mailing her twice over the course of a few months is too much. My expectation would be that if they have spaces to fill and they’re interested in talking to you about filling one, that is most likely to happen at your Bama Bound.

Thanks for the reassurance @“beth’s mom”. I am anxious to hear about whether or not I get in that I don’t want to jeopardize anything. In the email I sent her I gave her a quick detail on my schedule for Bama Bound and the few extra days I would be there for visiting. I offered that if they wanted to interview that I would be available at a moment’s notice. I am in the process of applying for Emerging scholars as well but I am still very much interested with CBHP :slight_smile:

I don’t think you did anything untoward. It was probably a good idea to give her your updated Bama Bound info and that you’ll be around if they want to fill some CBHP interview spots. Actually I think it was very proactive of you!

Administrators are very busy this time of year. I wouldn’t worry about it, especially since there’s nothing you can do anyway.

You did nothing wrong. If they are interested, you’ll get an e-mail in your Crimson e-mail about a week in advance of your BB session (maybe even just a few days in advance). Remember that the May 1 deadline is rapidly approaching where everyone must deposit to a school. After that, they will know how many firm CBH kids they have for Fall. That will begin the need for reserve pool discussions. Note: just because you get an interview doesn’t mean you are in, we heard of a few who got interviews at Bama Bound who did not get in.

Thanks everyone for the replies. @swim4school more than anything I was really thankful for even being put into the reserve pool. I may have some good stats but hearing what other CBHP candidates bring to the table made me quite surprised I got as far as I did. If I get an interview, that would be amazing. If I get into the program, I will be excited and thrilled. If not, I will not hold it against them or UA. I am competing after all with really amazing students. All I can ask for is a chance to make my case :slight_smile:

FWIW, my daughter didn’t get an e-mail in advance of her Bama Bound. She was told at Bama Bound to go see Mrs. Batson.

You did the RIGHT thing. It’s a GOOD idea to let Mrs. B know of your continued interest! She’s busy, so she doesn’t respond, but she’s likely noted your continued interest.