<p>Guys, please I need your advice.
I am currently studying in a community college, right now. Due to financial reason, I really need to find a better job. I was thinking of still going to CC and take 12 units, but also enroll to MTI College as a accountant technician. Do you guys think, it is a good idea? Does anyone know about this school, MTI college. Please offer some advice, thank you.</p>
<p>Well, I googled them and they seem totally on the up and up. </p>
<p>The thing is, the fin aid might not work for both places.</p>
<p>Also, why study extra for a "better" job? Could you not try harder to look for a better job, since you live in California and all? I mean, unlike where I live, where you live there is actually employment and stuff. Know what I mean? Could you go to an employment agency or something?</p>
<p>well, what I am really trying to say is that, it might take it longer for me to be abe to transfer to a unversity, so I might just take few classes in cc, and get into MTI.</p>
<p>IS that a good decision? I am also not sure with what major to think, I was thinking of accounting- so I want to make sure I really want it.</p>
<p>Have your tried calling account's offices and asking what they require applicants? ck to see what they think of the school.
I am a pharmacist and I am shocked at the # who pay 20K+ for pharmacy tech school with only the info the school gives them. The school might not lie, but they don't always tell the whole truth.</p>
<p>best bet is to graduate asap... i mean the highest paying job you can get without a degree would probably 15-20/hr so why not graduate sooner and start from there.</p>