Chadbourne Hall: What's it like and what can I expect?

<p>So, I'll be moving into Chadbourne in less than a month. I decided to live there because I heard that it was generally a quieter, more bookish dorm, generally full of "nerdy" people, and that suits me, as I would fit in there. But at the same time, I don't really know what I can expect. Anyone who's lived there, can you give an example of what I'll experience there? Thanks!</p>

<p>Your experience will be unique to you and influenced by the people you meet on your floor and in your wing. The first two weeks after move-in are the ‘honeymoon’ period when other students are more open and outgoing and eager to meet each other and become friends.</p>

<p>Have you visited the Chadbourne website and read about the mission/goals/philosophy etc?</p>

<p>Consider applying for the CRC Global experience.</p>

<p>Sign up for Class Connections.</p>

<p>Maybe you’ll want to be a floor rep.</p>

<p>Get involved.</p>

<p>My point is, an example from someone who has lived there may not be so relevant to you. Just have an open mind but also set boundaries with roommate (there is a roommate agreement each person will complete).</p>