<p>Chance me...please..:/ I'm really worried..I will chance you back</p>
<p>Grade 9th:
Gym/Advisory/Heath Ed: all Pass
Humanities 1: B-
Chinese 1: C
Algebra 1: d
Biology 1: B+
Visual Arts: C+
Total: 2.26/4</p>
<p>Grade 10th:
Physical Ed: Pass
Advisory: Pass
Humanities 2: C
Chinese 2: A-
Geometry: B-
Chemistry 1(I dropped really bad for sci): D+
Tech Lit 1: B-</p>
<p>Grade 11th(current year)
Gym: Pass
Advisory: Pass
Biology IB High: B/C
Theatre IB standard: A-/A-
Math IB standard: B/A-
English IB standard: B/B-
IB Chinese: A/A-
Theory of Knowledge: C+/A-
History IB standard: B-/B+[I think]
These are for term 1 and term 2...Term 1 GPA is 3.6.</p>
<p>Extra Curriculars:
1) Afterschool- Elementary Tutoring- 3 days a week/2.5 hrs
2) Youth Council Member- Working for a non-profit organization..twice a month...we do projects and things
3) Youth Member Volunteer- I volunteer and help find informations on fundings...I did this for 28 hours over the summer
4) I went to a college and took some courses for my AP classes
5) I was in the sports team for like 2 months [end due to winter]
6) I'm signing up for this volunteer- helping homeless people- I'm not sure if I will pass yet...</p>
<p>I never did any Extra Curriculars until Junior Year...I do have a few job before though. The EC aboves are all from my Junior Year</p>
<p>I have many tardies...i hope this doesn't matter though...I heard from a few college students that they don't look at that.</p>
<p>My last SAT prep was 1550. I never took the SAT before, but I will prep for that.</p>
<p>I had really tough time focusing during my freshmen years...my GPA dropped a lot because of that. I even got a suspension during my freshmen year. I got a little better for my sophmore year and I'm hoping to get good grades for my Junior Year...:/ I hope they look at people's improvement. I'm 1st generation going to college, and I'm not born here. I come from a low income family.</p>
<p>Um. :/ Yeah...pretty bad looking....please chance me for NEU. That is my first choice :) If you know any college that accepts someone like me, please list it below. ^___^ </p>
<p>Thanks~ if you need a chance back, say it in your post too...thank you.</p>
<p>congrats on jumping back senior year.</p>
<p>id say northeastern is low reach for you.</p>
<p>look at the umass system</p>
<p>thanks a lot. but i’m not interested in umass :(</p>
<p>I’d say it’s a reach for NEU. You are taking some good courses this year and your grades seem to be improving. But that SAT score is very… average. Get some SAT books and take a bunch of practice tests. Also, why don’t you take some more courses at the college and focus on acing them? Take more difficult courses at (I’m assuming) the community college that build on the courses you’ve already taken. For example, if you took chemistry I at the college, take chemistry II and organic chemistry.</p>
<p>sorry for the late reply
cloudy. will chance back :)</p>
<p>What’s with all the D’s on this forum? Don’t you have to repeat classes you get a D in? Are you Asian btw?</p>
<p>NEU is a high reach. Your EC’s are minimal, your SAT average and your grades terrible [Those Ds, and who gets a C+ in art?], and a suspension doesn’t help. You don’t really show aptitude in any area, though you do have upward momentum.</p>
<p>what if I do good on my SATs then? That’s only my prep grades and I haven’t took one in awhile. I have studied and are a little confident with the test now.</p>
<p>neu is possible but not for sure. you need to study for the sat a lot. chance me</p>
<p>NEU is possible, but it’s a reach, definitely. You should look into other schools just in case.</p>
<p>What are some good schools I can look into?</p>
<p>Can I ask why you’re not interested in any of the UMASS’s? I wasn’t, either, when I was leaving high school but I didn’t realize that I’d be able to transfer after a couple years if I did well. Amherst is respected as much as the easy-to-get-into private MA schools and costs a lot less. </p>
<p>I’d try Endicott, Clark, Wheaton, Suffolk. Hampshire if you want to escape from grades. A friend of mine loved it there. Elms if you’re ok with living in Chicopee.</p>
<p>I come from a low income family.</p>
<p>hey, please chance me for UMass Amherst! Thank You!! ^_____^</p>
<p>bobtheboy- you only have to repeat classes you fail (get an F) at least that’s how it is where I am.</p>
<p>PS–jayson, many schools would be a reach/low reach because of your academic history. although you are improving, which is what colleges like to see, IMHO, they’d rather have higher achieving student who also still improves/shows the ability to prosper in college.</p>
<p>cool a fellow I.B. student. Those classes kill right? lolz</p>
<p>eeek on those grades.
SAT is avergae, almost the same as mine. I’ve been told that if NEU is my choice then my SAT’ need to go waaaay up. Same thing goes for you.</p>
<p>Your GPA must be weighted right?
You show an upward trend which could help you a lot. Just keep trying.</p>
<p>When it comes to studying for the SATs I’ve heard that it’s not a great idea to just get a SAT book and try to study from that because it might be overwhelming. I get a SAT question of the day sent to my email… It’s quick and not overwhelming, but helps in terms of studying, and is very stress-free. Keep up the good work with your comeback, good luck! (:</p>