Chance a nervous applicant?

<p>About me:
Very good public school in Massachusetts

4.2 W GPA
2270 SAT I
5 APs (considered extremely rigorous course load)</p>

-Drama Guild: I am a member of the board, and have spent 15 hrs/week for 48 weeks/year for the past 4 years toward theater. (I have been in ~25 shows and have had leads in most, and had the lead in my high school's show as a junior. Our program is considered very good amongst public schools)
-Youth Council: I am the elected co-chair of a applicant based youth council. I played a large role in campaigning for the youth center, which we asked the town $2M dollars for. The group has been trying to build it for 17 years and we were the ones to get it done. I had an interview in the Boston Globe and the local paper, and got a copy of the speech I made at town meeting to send to colleges. I was acknowledged as the leader of the youth by the officials trying to make the building. These past 3 months I have devoted at least 8 hours of my time per week, but have easily gone past 15 on some.
-Youth Group: Co-Founded youth group at my catholic church.3-5 hrs/week 15 weeks/year
-Was a nanny over the summer, full time job.
-Was elected to the Senior Board of my high school. (One of 15 on the board of 40+ applicants and only 1 of 4 to be elected by peers)
-Ran a boys field trip group after school with the youth services in town.
-Volunteered at the local youth theater company for 3 years.
-Am the DJ for the danceteam (I mix music).</p>

<p>Letters of recommendation were probably very good.</p>

<p>Schools I'm applying to:</p>

University of So. Cal.
University of San Diego
Notre Dame
Cornell (a reach, I know)
George Washington</p>



<p>10 char</p>