Chance a sista!!!

<p>Sat1: m:690 cr:630 w: 600

plan to take 6 more if i dont get into harvard</p>

ap calc bc
ap bio
ap stat
ap american studies 2
ap spanish 5
ap english</p>

All honors or Ap classes (total 8) since 9th grade, straight A's
A averages in college courses over the summer
rank 10/660
gpa: 4.55/4.6</p>

too many to list (community service, athletics, student government, leadership positions in three clubs, three insturments, three languages, academic clubs etc..)</p>

many academic (biology, chemistry, physics), service, and leadership awards. congressional medals (bronze, silver, and gold), awards from my church
national achievement scholar
venture scholar (i dont really kno what that means!)</p>

I think they will be good because both teachers asked me if they could write them because they thought I was one of their best students.</p>

<p>What are my chances at top schools like Harvard, Cornell, Brown, Johns Hopkins, Princeton, Rice, Duke, Columbia, UNC, U rochester, Yale, Stanford, northwestern</p>

<p>I think my harvard interview went well because it lasted 20mins longer than she said it would only bc we were having an intelligent discussion about the pharmaceutical industry.</p>

<p>Other info: black female interested in Chemistry or Physics</p>

<p>Are my sat1 scores too low for these schools???
any advice?? thanks, I'll chance back!!</p>

<p>i believe you have a really good chance at johns hopkins, u of rochestor, northwestern, and UNC
upenn, brown, duke, rice, cornell seem to be a slight reach for you (a girl from CC got into upenn ED with a 1900-ish this year, and she was the same ethnicity as you so that will help)
as usual, harvard, yale, princeton, stanford, and columbia are all very luck-based, but i believe that you will get into at least one of them</p>

<p>sat’s are a little weak, but everything else makes up for it, especially being a minority and having a good rank and ec’s</p>

<p>those are som really good grades u got there i think harvard, princeton, yale, and standford could go either way
but u got pretty much everything going for u</p>

<p>SATs and APs aren’t really anything special.</p>

<p>GPA is excellent.</p>

<p>Three leadership positions, three languages, three instruments - unique and challenging to achieve. The awards in the sciences should add to demonstrating interest in your major.</p>

<p>Not too fond of standardized tests, I’m guessing? Huge gap between those and your performance elsewhere. I think if the colleges get that impression, you should have a great chance for a lot of the schools, especially being a minority and a female interested in the sciences. No bets on HYP, Brown, Stanford because they’re a tossup no matter who you are. (I’m assuming well-written essays demonstrating interest in the subjects/schools, which seem likely.)</p>

<p>Most r low reaches. Ivy ones r up for grabs. In at Rochester</p>

<p>Your SAT I scores are lower than the average accepted at the top Ivies, but everything else makes up for it. Your ECs, and your academic workload looks really good, so I’d say in at rochester. Northwestern, JHU, Cornell are possibles, and the other schools, especially Columbia (SO hard to get in this year), are mid reaches IMO It doesn’t hurt that you are a black female interested in the sciences.</p>

<p>Good luck!!!</p>

<p>Your in good shape everywhere, all though its all a big crapshoot at the elite places.</p>

<p>The only thing I can suggest to you is to try retaking the SAT Reasoning Test. For many schools, your scores aren’t too bad, but they’re not quite up to Ivy League standards. Otherwise, I’d say that you have an absolutely fabulous resume. I wish you the best of luck!</p>

<p>You’re in at Rice, Rochester, and Northwestern. I have to be honest, your minority will be a huge plus at DUKE, (Especially Brown/ Cornell) they love minority students!!! Stanford is the mecca for black scholars, and they will give you the benefit of the doubt, please give them high consider if you gain admission. You’re in good shape, no worries on your part.</p>

<p>I agree with everybody else; your SAT is a bit low for the ivy’s, but you have so much other stuff going for you that the SAT might not be a problem.</p>

<p>aww thanks, and yea im not a fan a standaradized testing, id much rather read a book or study something of substance the try to learn a whole bunch of testing tricks for the sat. I didnt take any sat courses (1. bc my parents couldnt pay for it and 2. bc i have better things to do), i thought id do better though cause its not like there’s hard subjects on the test, oh well</p>

<p>im glad u guys think everything else makes up for it!!!</p>

<p>any other thoughts!!</p>

<p>I bet you will get into an ivy for sure</p>

<p>Harvard- waitlist/ reject
Cornell- accepted
Brown- rejected
Johns Hopkins- accepted
Princeton- waitlist/ accepted
Columbia- rejected
UNC- OSS? rejected (random)
U Rochester- IDK, accepted?
Yale- rejected
Stanford- accepted
northwestern- accepted</p>

<p>unc reject?? huh, i already got a likely letter there!!!</p>

<p>congrats were you in state or out of state ?</p>

<p>Yeah… the URM thing will probably get you in despite ‘kind of’ low SATs. </p>

<p>I’m guessing: </p>

<p>Sure bet at all except HYP, and you’ll most likely get into one of the HYP or Stanford, just not all of them.</p>


<p>thanks guys</p>

<p>Duke is the only school I can provide much info on and it looks like you will get in, but if possible, retake the SATs and just study some vocab online. That’s what I did and I got a 40 point increase with little effort. Other than that, everything looks fantastic!</p>

<p>Good Luck</p>

<p>PS- when and how did you get this letter from UNC?</p>