Chance me? How much do sat's really matter when everything else is good?

<p>what do you think???</p>

<p>Sat1: m:690 cr:630 w: 600


ap calc bc
ap bio
ap stat
ap american studies 2
ap spanish 5
ap english</p>

All honors or Ap classes since 9th grade, straight A's
A averages in college courses over the summer
rank 10/660
gpa: 4.5/4.6</p>

too many to list (community service, athletics, student government, leadership positions in three clubs, etc..)i play clarinet and bass clarinet for my church orchestra, last year I had an internship as a pharmacy technician( decided i didnt want to be a pharmacist!)</p>

many academic (biology, chemistry), service, and leadership awards. congressional medals (bronze, silver, and gold), awards from my church</p>

I think they will be good because both teachers asked me if they could write them because they thought I was one of their best students.</p>

<p>What are my chances at top schools like Harvard, Cornell, Brown, Johns Hopkins, Princeton, Rice, Duke, Columbia, UNC, U rochester</p>

<p>I already have full scholarships to honors programs at u pitt and drexel. I also got into carnegie mellon already.</p>

<p>I think my harvard interview went well because it lasted 20mins longer than she said it would only bc we were having an intelligent discussion about the pharmaceutical industry.</p>

<p>Other info: black female interested in Chemistry or Physics</p>

<p>Are my sat1 scores too low for these schools???
any advice?? thanks, I'll chance back!!</p>

<p>your minority status really helps. your sats are weaker than they should be for those schools. gpa is great. you should get into at least one of those schools, especially early decision.
chance me?
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>hummmm, ill chance back??</p>

<p>Yes, I’d say so, unless you’re a minority, destitute, first person in college, or had a crazy impressive EC/Award. </p>

<p>Chance me back plz
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Harvard, Cornell, Brown, Princeton- Reaches, but they are for everybody.
Johns Hopkins, Rice, Duke, Columbia, UNC- Targets
U rochester- Safety</p>

<p>how did u get into carnegie mellon already?</p>

<p>did you do ap/ea?</p>

<p>big weight, i got into cmu bc i took college courses there this summer and i did really well.</p>

<p>stripperella144, the fact that i sat next to college students @ cmu and scored higher than engineering and chemistry majors proves that i do have intelligence, but I don’t argue with ignorant stay at home nerds who prob wouldn’t have the guts to say something like that to my face…if u don’t have anything constructive to say then shut the f#$% up!</p>

<p>Harvard, Cornell, Brown, Princeton - Super Insane Mega Reach, but it’s that way for everyone, so you have as good a chance as anyone.</p>

<p>Johns Hopkins, Rice, Duke, UNC, U Rochester - Should be okay.</p>

<p>stripperella144, wow…
anyway, in response to the OP, sadly I’ve come to realize that SATs do matter even in comparison to everything else that may be good or even excellent because there always going to be kids who have similar stats plus great SATs :confused: Though, I don’t believe that high SATs necessarily means high intelligence.</p>

<p>hey thanks for chancing me, you should be in everywhere even harvard . first off you are african american a huge plus. second off from what i’ve heard colleges look beyond the sat if the student has good grades and extra curriculars. they usually look at what the student is best at and decide if they would fit into the college. i think you are in everywhere.</p>

<p>unless you write an essay about x rated material, you should be in at all those schools.</p>

<p>Colleges actually do account for the SAT scores because they know all high schools are not at the same level, and they know very well that there is always some kind of grade inflation all around the country.
A solid candidate, but the SAT score really drags you down.
I think you should take the ACT or the SAT once more.</p>

<p>As a URM:
Harvard - reach
Cornell - high match/low reach
Brown - reach
Johns Hopkins - high match
Princeton - reach
Rice - match
Duke - low reach/reach(duke is harder than cornell)
Columbia - low reach/reach
UNC - low match
U rochester - safety</p>

<p>yea, i basically agree with vestige…either retake SAT or maybe try the ACT.</p>

<p>Good luck!</p>

<p>any other comments???</p>

<p>as an admissions officer i might question the academic competitiveness of your school because of your amazing gpa compared with less amazing SATs. but other than that, everything looks really solid and you should get into most those schools, prob even the ivies</p>

<p>You have great grades! I would retake the SAT in december and you should be golden at a ton of these schools. Only HPC would be the stretches but I think your golden!</p>

<p>those all look good…Harvard, Cornell, Brown, Princeton=reaches…Cornell will probs be admitted. Johns Hopkins is a bit weird sometimes too. Rice, Duke, UNC, U Rochester look good :slight_smile: good luck!! </p>

<p>chance me back ! :)</p>