Chance a transfer student with sad GPA at UCR?

<p>After a summer semester full of courses way too rigorous for a 7 week long period I no longer have a 3.0 for TAG.</p>

<p>GPA: 2.93
Major: Psych BA</p>

<p>I'm taking a chill course load this semester and have already started drafting my personal statement. My GPA WILL be above a 3.0 when I update with my Fall grades. </p>

<p>Do I have any chance at getting in now?</p>

<p>I got into UCR from Chaffey cc with a 2.9 gpa as a history major, so you still have a good chance</p>

<p>I feel if you at least have a 3.0, you should be okay. But definitely try bringing your GPA up as much as possible. Good luck!</p>

<p>Cant you take a few more classes?</p>

<p>Nevertheless, you will still probably make it.</p>

<p>YOU DO HAVE A CHANCE ā€“ Iā€™m 3rd year transfer into UCR, as well as a psychology major ā€“ I got in with a 2.9 (or even below, I dont remember) and just completed what was assigned on The only thing you need to worry about it, is how well you write your proposal. My advice is to write a well written proposal that should include aspects of your life revolving around why you chose your major.</p>

<p>seeder- by proposal do you mean ps? thank you so much! i was hoping to get a response from someone in the psych program.</p>