Chance a worried Junior for UM? UM Experts help!!!

<p>Hey guys new to the forums but a long time lurker</p>

<p>Junior in Highschool
White Male
<strong><em>(I have a question though, my mother is from South Africa, am I allowed to put "African American" on application?, none of my family is black, we are all white)</em></strong></p>

<p>Classes taken so far: (only listing academic classes)</p>


<p>Algebra 1 - C (took this class on FLVS in 8th grade, did not know it would reflect on highschool transcripts...did not take class seriously making up class and I have a B, this grade will chage to a B hopefully is UM acknowledges.
Algebra 2 - C
Spanish 1 - B
Spanish 2 - B</p>

<p>Honors: </p>

<p>Pre Calculus - B
Biology 1 - C
Chemistry 1 - C
English 1 - C
English 2 - B</p>

<p>Adanved Placement: (I have not passed any of the tests)</p>

<p>AP Art History - A
AP Comparative Gov. - C
AP English Language - B
AP US Gov. - C
AP Biology - B
AP US Hist. - B
AP Human Geo - B
AP World - A
AP Psychology - A</p>

<p>Dual Enrollment:</p>

<p>Social Problems - A</p>

<p>Are the above classes that I listed all considered "academic subjects?" .</p>

<p>[MY GPA AFTER JUNIOR YEAR WILL BE THE GPA STATED BELOW, I HAVE COME A LONG WAY TO GET THAT GPA AS MY GPA HAS HAD A GREAT UPWARD TREND] Freshmen/Sophomore year I would get C's on my final grades, now I don't get any and I am taking more challenging classes)</p>

<p>My unweighted GPA, according to my transcripts is a 2.8 because I received an F in physical education because I would never participate (self conscious about my body) but on UM website they said they DO NOT look at my highschool transcripts GPA but rather UM recalculated GPA which is below (3.56)</p>

<p>If calculated correctly my UM recalculated GPA is 3.56 which is not bad in my opinion. Planning on taking 1 or 2 Dual Enrollment classes at my local community college over this coming summer.
Im also taking my SAT for the first time in May I think.
Will also be doing community service during the summer etc... have about 60 hours so far.
I am part of no clubs, is it too late for me? I do not do sports.</p>

<p>My Senior Year Schedule (next year 2013-2014)</p>

<p>Engish 4 Dual Enrollment
AP Macroeconomics
AP Environmental Science
AP Statistics
Spanish 4 Honors</p>

<p>Depends what you get on the SAT and what your class rank is. I think you have a shot and it is worth applying, but honestly I think it will be tough. UM has gotten very competitive, and increasingly so each year.</p>

<p>Just my guess, however.</p>

<p>Good luck!</p>

<p>I’ll be dedicating 2+ hours during the summer to solely SAT prep.</p>

<p>“My unweighted GPA, according to my transcripts is a 2.8 because I received an F in physical education because I would never participate (self conscious about my body) but on UM website they said they DO NOT look at my highschool transcripts GPA but rather UM recalculated GPA which is below (3.56)”</p>

<p>Where on the UM website did you find this? As far as I know, Miami looks at your GPA that is on your transcript…</p>