Chance an IB student!

Due to a problem with my scholarship, I have to change the country I’m to do my undergrad studies in from the UK to the US. This info being pertinent to the thread in that I’m wholly unprepared for college life in the states, and have no idea what the International Baccalaureate is worth over there. So help a girl out? /cue nervous wave

i. I’m Malaysian, and on full government scholarship
ii. I’m hoping to enroll in a chemical engineering program. I really wouldn’t settle for anything else

Malaysian Certificate of Education:
i. A+ in Additional Mathematics, Mathematics, English, Chemistry
ii. A in Biology, History, Malay
iii. A- in Physics, Religious Studies

International Baccalaureate:
i. 7 in SL Business Management and Studies
ii. 6 in SL English Lit, Ab Initio German
iii. 5 in HL Physics, Chemistry
iv. 3 in HL Mathematics
v. 2 bonus points from TOK and the Extended Essay

i. 9.0 in reading and listening
ii. 7.5 in speaking and writing
iii. Average band of 8.5

i. Three years of regular volunteering (a mix of homes for the disabled, orphanages, schools, and rural areas)
ii. Student Council - Secretary
iv. VP of English Lang Society - 1 year
v. VP of Basketball Club - 2 years
vi. Basketball team - 2 years, international tournament, second place
vii. Speaker in an international student conference on green energy
viii. National debate - 2 years

To be honest my IB grades are rotten, at least by UK standards. They’re high enough by Australian standards to apply and win a place at the top school for chemical engineering - but I have no idea how highly the US ranks the IB diploma, or how strict requirements for IB students are. I’m willing to resit my Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry for higher marks - I was predicted a 7 for Chemistry, and a 6 for Physics and Mathematics - but I can only do so in November and I don’t know if that’s soon enough for UoWM’s spring intake.

Could anyone please help chance me, and also advise me on whether a resit is recommended?

Oh - I haven’t taken either the SATs or ACTs, but plan on doing so if my IB results don’t rule me out for studying at UoWM

Can you translate your grades into an unweighted gpa? There are enough IB programs in Wisconsin admissions will be familiar with the testing but students also get grades for classes taken. You do need to have good ACT or SAT scores since grades are only 1/2 of the academic equation.

Send an email to UW admissions with your questions about IB test scores, any need for course grades et al. They have the definitive answers.

btw- it’s UW. UWM refers to the school in Milwaukee.