Chance at CCNY or NJIT?

<p>So I'm applying to the ChE programs at CCNY and NJIT as a second degree student. The thing is I have a GPA of 2.29 in a BS in Biochemistry (I know... horrible). I was very unfocused and undisciplined in high school and college. I understood and enjoyed math and science, but was always too lazy to put in enough study/homework time to pull anything higher than C's and the occasional B or A. I also have a couple W's on my transcript. </p>

<p>After college, I spent two years working for a pharmaceutical/biotech company where I really got to enjoy working with purification systems. I also met a couple process development engineers who really got me interested in engineering. I wanted to pursue ChE out of high school but chose to go to a university that lacks any engineering school. Now, as I've become more mature, I feel if I don't attain a BS in ChE it's going to nag me for the rest of my life. Also, having a second chance to improve my GPA will help me get into a decent grad school, which is definitely a goal of mine. </p>

<p>So what do you guys think? I know they aren't THAT competitive of programs, but I'm not really that competitive of a candidate.</p>

<p>And since you set your personal bar at "not really that competitive of a candidate, you will continue obtaining results below or at the level of “not really that competitive of a candidate.”</p>

<p>Specific to CCNY, the school will give you the bare basics and is up to you to decide what to do with them. A place such as MIT might get you far enough just based on brand-name recognition; CCNY will require double, triple, quadruple, even quintuple effort if you want to get anywhere. MIT is a great school where average people can sprinkle some shine on them; CCNY is an average school where average people will come out average while great people will emit their own brightness.</p>

<p>I have a question ElevateMeLater, can you finish up the second degree in 1-2 years by taking engineering classes or do you have to go there for another 4 years? I’m about to graduate with a Chemistry major and a math minor and i’m also interested in getting into ChemE.</p>

<p>yg7s7, with a Chemistry major you should be able to get it done in 2-2.5 years. Most schools have residency req. of somewhere between 30-40 credits, but you will need to take engineering-specific courses, which totals to about 60 credits (at least in my case). If you have a decent GPA, you are probably better off applying for a graduate degree in ChemE. A lot of graduate programs encourage students with backgrounds in non-ChemE majors to apply, specifically those in math and the natural/physical sciences. You can take undergraduate courses you are deficient in if needed. I’m just going the second degree route since I blew my chance at getting into grad school and am looking for redemption.</p>

<p>Enginox, by “not competitive” I just meant by my stats. I’m positive that, given the opportunity, I’d be an excellent ChemE student. I’ve seriously looked all over to see what both CCNY and NJIT have to offer from course syllabi to internships. l feel that I have absolutely learned from the mistakes in my past and will not repeat them. It’s not a mind set, but just an acknowledgement of how I will look to admissions.</p>

<p>Thanks for the reply. It’s because I heard from somewhere that Master’s in ChemE won’t really get you better pay and job prospect unless you want to do research and B.S is alone is fine, though I don’t know if the source is reliable. Not only that, I’m not too interested in studying at grad school.</p>

<p>Btw, I remember someone saying on this forum that CCNY recently hired very prestigious professors in Chemical Engineering.</p>

<p>NJIT is the easiest engineering school in NJ to get accepted at. I have a professor that has a phd from NJIT and did a lot of research there.</p>

<p>So you are a second degree student. That’s quite out of my knowledge, because most people I knew who are SD have pretty GPA. The lowest I knew was 2.9.</p>

<p>2.29 would be a problem… I am not sure.
I can ask the staff later (next week though…)</p>

<p>Yes. We hired new professors in the past year. One reason is because the Decade of Science initiative, which will expand the CCNY science and engineering facilities.
[Decade</a> of Science - CUNY](<a href=“]Decade”></p>

<p>[Advanced</a> Science Research Center - Centers & Institutes - CUNY](<a href=“]Advanced”></p>

<p>ASRC is part of this budget proposal, and is hoping to be completed by 2012.
The ChemE and Mechanical now participated in the CUNY Energy Institute.
[Energy</a> Institute - CUNY](<a href=“]Energy”>CUNY Energy Institute)</p>

<p>I got into NJIT! Woo!</p>

<p>I applied as a transfer into their ChemE program but it looks like I’ll be entering as an undecided engineering student. Any clue as to why that is?</p>

<p>Ahh it’s good to hear back from you ElevateMeLater, and congratulations!!
As for your question, I dont know :frowning: though I don’t think it’s a big deal.</p>

<p>How long will it take for you to finish the second degree?</p>

<p>I havent received any documentation as to how my credits will transfer, so I can only guess. After having compared the ChemE BS curriculum to classes I have already taken for by BS in Biochem I’m guessing 2.5-3 years. I know ill have basics like GChem, Physics and Calc covered, but I’m unsure if OChem and Thermodynamics will transfer since NJIT, and probably most engineering schools, requires versions of these courses that focus on aspects important to ChemE. When I find out for sure I’ll let you know.</p>

<p>Congratulations, ElevateMeLater! I hope you do well in your studies.</p>

<p>Njit seems great but not worth the money
ccny is your best bang for your buck. Almost notting if you get fafsa money.
Dont go to nyit, engineering faculuty is horrible( i go there)</p>

<p>please, can anyone chance me for CCNY.
I am a high school senior now,
junior year gpa. UW- 4.0 W- 4.16 (i studied abroad for 2 years so all classes taken skewed my W gpa because they were counted as standard classes)
Sat- cr(460), Math(680), Writing (540)</p>

<p>National honor society,
robotics club,
mock trial team,
environmental club,
varsity badminton,
varsity wrestling,
over 200 hours of volunteering. </p>