Chance at Cornell/Olin? - weak ECs

<p>Obviously these would be reaches for me, but I'm not sure if I should bother applying (ED or otherwise) or not (both schools I think I could like, esp. Olin and I think they each meet need). I'm guessing I shouldn't but my ego is prompting this post. I'm currently a junior at a decent high school (1-2 accepted to Cornell each year past few years). I'm a lower middle class white male.
3.9 UW GPA (weighted NGA is 100-101)
8 Honors classes, 2 engineering classes with honors weight, will take one honors class next year
5 AP classes - World History (only test I've taken, 4), BC Calc, Physics B US History, English, next year: Physics B2/C, Chem, Stats, Gov
SAT: 800 CR, 790 M, 750 W (8 E), will take Math II and Physics subject tests and assume at least 750
I can't count on good recommendations because I'm pretty quiet in class and teachers don't really know me outside of grading my work, but I think I can write a good essay.
EC: very weak, main reason I doubt I should bother applying to highly selective schools
-Concert band (freshman/sophomore), marching band (all HS) - possible leadership next year
-potential NMF - 222 on PSAT
-volunteer stuff - mostly with church, I do computer stuff (probably average about an hour/week or 2 weeks for around 2 years), I worked at a organization for disabled people several times one summer, maybe 20 hours
-active in church youth group
-I'm teaching myself programming and occasionally build electronics (probably not worth anything)</p>

<p>I doubt I would have much of a chance, but part of me is still hopeful haha. </p>

<p>I forgot to add that I intend to major in mechanical or electrical engineering (if that wasn’t obvious after mentioning Olin) and another EC is TSA (only this year and I only went to the regional competition where I did fairly well)</p>

<p>applying ED would help but i feel they would be low reaches
<a href=“Chance Me? I will chance back as soon as I see your reply - #12 by nhdmaniac - Chance Me / Match Me! - College Confidential Forums”>Chance Me? I will chance back as soon as I see your reply - #12 by nhdmaniac - Chance Me / Match Me! - College Confidential Forums;

<p>Low? Ok, I was expecting high, thanks. I’d love to chance you back but if I can’t chance myself I have no business doing so for anyone else. </p>

<p>Bump? I guess my GPA would be a 4.0 (95.8 avg for all classes, including electives) and I’ll hopefully have a job this summer. My wNGA is slightly lower than the average accepted (RD) from my school but my SAT is about 100 points higher. I’d probably apply ED to Cornell.</p>


<p>Olin would be a reach, as someone who knows WashU well, they are very into ECs.</p>

<p>(Capitalize on your self-taught engineering and try to apply for a patent, get a paper published, or get an internship.) Good luck!</p>