Chance at the UC's?

<p>Based on very recent admissions statistics and personal histories I know, I completely agree with post #9.</p>

<p>CalPoly for bioengineering is very hard to get into, btw. Especially in the last few years. It’s an impacted major and the people applying who get in have higher gpas.</p>

<p>Edit: I see the same poster validated his and my opinion by providing the back-up statistics.</p>

<p>Just a note in general: BayKid has already learned his lesson, no need for me to rub it in, but it is unfortunately a lesson learned too late by many, many students. (He’s hardly alone!) The assumption is that you’ll get into college because the committee will notice how smart you are. How would they notice that? Will they do a brain scan? No, of course not. They’ll look at performance, and that’s all they’ll look at: performance on grades, performance on standardized tests. (I know there are lurkers here; it’s for their benefit. :slight_smile: )</p>

<p>Epiphany, I could not agree with you more. It truly is a lesson learned too late… Just wondering, what do you believe my chances are of getting into UC Santa Cruz. Thank you for your help.</p>

<p>^I think you have an excellent chance. You should also apply to some State U’s as fallback. (And I suggest that to students with higher stats as well.) Make sure that your essay is well done.</p>

<p>^ We have similar stats, i’m pretty sure we’ll both get into UCSC. :]</p>

<p>Have you considered going through a community college transfer program to any upper UCs?</p>

<p>I know there are some community colleges out there that allow you to transfer to UCSD (guaranteed) after completion of general education requirements, and UCSD is a GREAT engineering school.</p>

<p>Hi Jmsy,
I actually live maybe 10 minutes away from a JC that offers Guaranteed admission into the UC’s, this works for a lot of people because they save money and have an easier transition into college; but this program is great for many people, but its just not for me. Hopefully we can both get into the mid-tier UC’s, even though the numbers are against us. Good luck friend!</p>

<p>dont worry if you go to UCSC or UCR ppl make it sound like its hell while your still getting the same education and those two still use schools like UNLV,Arizona, and Oregon as toilet paper. But Hope you get in to your #1 school I did and love it :D</p>

<p>The UC system’s vast resources (or formally vast resources?) make it a great option for some one like me who is looking for a science and math heavy education. I don’t see why so many kids who don;t get into ucd or uci leave the state for schools like asu or ua…I just cant see why these schools have such poor reputations (at least in my area they do). That being said, I am still hoping I can get into Davis (which would be a dream come true) although I would not mind going to ucsc, too bad I shot myself in the foot. Good luck to everyone, and your admissions!, this site has been a great tool for me, as the college center at my high school is a bit lacking ;)</p>

<p>So I received my ACT scores today…
English: 22 (I really don’t understand why I scored so low on this)
Math: 25
Reading: 31
Science: 25
My Composite is 26, the writing portion has not been graded yet. </p>

<p>Does a 26 help my chances at Davis, Irvine, Santa Cruz, and Santa Barbara? Thank you for your help.</p>

<p>I personally never taken the ACT before, but that ACT score seems really lacking :(. I heard UCB avg is 28, but since all the UCs are getting more selective u need higher score. You can try taking it again :slight_smile: and maybe get a 30+. Or do the SATs again.</p>

<p>If the Berkeley average is 28, why would I need a +30 for a school like Santa Cruz or Davis/Irvine, I’m a little confused?</p>

<p>cuz you want a good score to make up a weaker GPA. I’m in a similar situation low GPA (gonna be higher SAT score) Don’t worry, you don’t really choose the UC, they choose u. I say be happy if you get in any UC since they all are competitive now to get in.</p>


<p>Higher test scores will only help.</p>

<p>UCB average ACT score is 30 from the 09’ admissions profile, for UCSC the acerage ACT score is 26 << confirmed information from the UC brochure I received.</p>

<p>Since you’ve met the average I suggest you start to prepare for SAT IIs dunno if you took em already though.</p>

<p>November test is coming up and deadline to register is past so your gonna have to pay an extra 20 bucks to register!</p>

<p>hope this helped</p>

<p>hey jmsy,
Happy you commented! I have already taken the SATIIs, but I did horrendous on them. I have already registered for the November SATII in bio, math II, and us history. I am also taking the SAT I next friday, but honestly, I doubt I will break 1820 again…</p>

<p>My final stats look something like this:
GPA 3.67
SAT I: 1820
ACT: 26
My SAT IIs will be around 600. </p>

<p>Somehow, someway, I pray I will get into UCSC…I know its a long shot, but we will see. Thank you for all of your help everyone!</p>

<p>UCSC is not a long shot for you. Its more of a match. GPA will be fine if you can raise your SAT score to like a 1900.</p>