Chance at the UC's?

<p>Hello everyone, with the UC apps a little over a month away, I thought I would see where I stand. Thank you for your help. </p>

<p>My Stats:</p>

<p>Iranian Male
Weighted GPA 10-11 Grade: 3.67
Rank: Top 30%
SAT I: 1820 (Retaking in October)
SAT IIs: Bio M: 570 and US history 540. (Retaking in November)<br>
ACT: Taking next week for the first time </p>

<p>Intended Major: Bioengineering </p>

<p>EC’s + Awards + Leadership + Volunteering:</p>

<p>secretary treasurer for the Stock Market Analysis Club - 3 years
High School Volleyball - 3 years
Model United Nations Captain
Summer Bio-Technology Camp (received academic achievement award from the camp) </p>

<p>NCS Scholar Athlete Award
Volleyball Coach’s Award
Academic Achievement Letter
Most Improved Student Freshman Year (English Department)</p>

<p>These are the numbers of hours I will have before November 31…
Youth Action Council: 20 hours
Lawrence Hall of Science: 20 hours
High School Athletic Training:200 hours
Peer Tutoring: 100 hours (The tutoring was not through my high school; essentially, my parents friends asked me if I could tutor their son, I volunteered to do it for free, does this count as volunteering? I could prove this by having the parents write a letter or something?)</p>

<p>I am a manager at the store I work at, I have been working there for 1 1/2 years.
I am in Leadership at my High School, I was voted team leader in the class. (Me and five other team leaders will be making major decisions for the student body)</p>

<p>I have taken three college courses at my local community college
Bio Sciense 101, Psychology 210, Nutrition </p>

<p>How does this app look for the UC System? Any suggestions? Thank you for your help.</p>

<p>GPA is far below the mid-tier UCs
Merced and Riverside guaranteed though</p>

<p>Your Volleyball section might get you into some higher UCs depending on how good you are.</p>

<p>sc,Rside( Great Bio engineering program btw), and the one with cows for sure</p>

<p>raise sat a bit if possible 1900 and an okay chance at UCI and Davis if its weird again</p>

<p>that gpa is slackin</p>

<p>Hello Everyone,
I know my GPA is low, I shot myself in the foot by not trying hard. I relied on my intelligence rather than trying my best. I honestly sometimes feel like I don’t even deserve to go to college…but the past is the past, and I can only learn from it. I know the high and even mid tier UC’s are relatively out of reach. With a solid essay I’m hoping I can get into maybe Davis or Irvine. Realistically, what are my chances of getting into Santa Cruz? Are there any other Universities anyone could recommend? Thank you for all of your help.</p>

<p>Your peer tutoring definetly counts as an extracurricular activity. Like many others said, if you get your SATs up, you’ll have a bigger chance at the mid-tier UCs. What do you plan to major on? I’m assuming you’re a resident of California. So have you looked at some CSUs?</p>

<p>u should consider the Polys , LBSU ( they r in my bad side right now), and SDSU</p>

<p>cal poly and long beach both offer the bioengineering major, but I would rather attend a UC. Any chance I can get into UCSC? Thanks for your help.</p>

<p>UCB- Nah
Cal Poly- Nah
UCI- Slight Chance
UCD- Slight Chance
UCSB- Slight Chance
SDSU- Good Chance
UCSC- On Target
UCM- In</p>

<p>You couldn’t get into Cal Poly for BioEngineering… I would say you’ll have a good chance at UCSC.</p>

<p>Is Poly really that hard to get into? My friend got in with a lower GPA and SAT score… Thanks for all the help. I hope I get into UCSC!</p>

<p>yes, volunteer tutoring counts. An excellent essay will help for UCI. If you are working bcos you HAVE to (family economics), make that clear since UCs give bonus points to low income families.</p>

<p>Good luck.</p>

<p>You have a decent shot at the mid-tiers (UCSB, UCI, UCD) and you’re pretty much in at UCSC and UCR. You have a shot at SLO, my friend got in with stats like yours… unless you are an engineering major. Then you’re out of luck. </p>

<p>Apply to some CSUs, like Long Beach, and SDSU. You’ll be glad for the options to choose from later. :)</p>

<p>With all the EC’s you have and a 3.67 GPA, you have a pretty good chance at mid tier UC’s and some upper imo. Some people in my high school got into UCSD with a 3.2 weighted and a *<strong><em>load of EC’s. Hell, someone in my school got into UCB and UCLA with a 3.5 weighted GPA and a *</em></strong>load of EC’s. So I’d say you have a good chance at UCSD, UCI, UCSB and UCD.</p>

<p>Thank you everyone for your input. Those last couple of posts gave me some confidence I have a chance at the UC’s. I really don’t want to leave California, so the UC system is the only way to go. I will be applying to the Mid and Low Tier UC’s, as well as CSULB and Cal Poly. I hope everything that can go right, does go right. : ) Thanks again for your help.</p>

<p>Apply to upper-tier UC’s as well. Might as well take a shot at it, you never know. You don’t want to regret never applying to them.</p>

<p>I got into Poly with a 3.3 but picked UCR over it :)</p>

<p>Congrats Jason2009, you must have gotten extremely lucky to get into Poly, or applied for a super obscure major like “fruit science”. But even the college of agriculture’s freshman profile was well above your stats. <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt; The selected averages for Cal Poly last year was roughly a 3.9 gpa, and 1278 Sat 1 (Math + Reading) with around a 34% acceptance rate. Jason with your 3.3 you didn’t belong at Cal Poly anyway… You belonged at a place like UCR so good job!</p>

<p>The applicant profile for engineering at Cal Poly was:
Average GPA:3.97
Average Sat1: 1335(Math + Reading)</p>

<p>BestWest, What school do you recommend I apply and ultimately attend? The only criteria is, the school must be in California and have bioengineering major.</p>

<p>Bestindawest- You should probably go back to the Cal Poly forum where people actually think it holds a candle to the UCs :)</p>

<p>I think middle-tiers are a reach for you, but you have almost matching SATs and at least competitive GPA. UCSD is a far reach([University</a> of California - Admissions](<a href=“]University”> is their acceptance and statistics if you’re interested - 37.3% acceptance, 4.08GPA, and approximately 1950 GPA).<br>
Your ECs are good as well. UCSC/Cal poly might be a small reach/match as their averages have just gone up these past few years. Pretty much guaranteed UCR, UCM, and CSULB.</p>

<p>And BestIndaWest: No one cares, stop defending Cal Poly as if its the best school in CA just because you’re attending. That probably will drop it a few ranks in a year or two rofl. It is a great school but you’re ridiculous for trashing other schools while praising SLO. You should probably avoid this moron if you decide to attend SLO</p>