Chance daughter for UCD and other UC's

<p>Just posted this on Davis forum but thought we would post it here as well to see what people thought her chances were for the mid tier UC’s.</p>

<p>Just got daughters jr. year grades and ACT scores. Her Academic weighted grades 10 and 11 is 3.9250 unweighted is 3.625. If we calculated correctly, her UC gpa is 3.772.
SAT 1800
ACT 27</p>

<p>Over 300 hours volunteer service (been volunteering at local hospital since freshman year)
3 years volleyball
3 years club volleyball
Asst. coach frosh/soph volleyball team
summer job as camp counselor</p>

<p>Also forgot to mention that she has been CSF all 3 years and qualifies for Gold Sealbearer</p>

<p>Is scheduled to take SAT II in October. Does she have a shot at Davis?? What about the other UC’s ? She would be applying as an english major

<p>She has a good shot, I would say she’s got excellent chances, except UCD’s admissions were really weird this year. I’d still be optimistic.</p>

<p>I’d say she’s definitely into UCSB,UCI,UCSC, UCR, and UCM, and will get into either UCD or UCSD, if not both. UCLA and UCB are reaches as always.</p>

<p>she has a good chance, but this year, i’ve known people with higher stats and they didn’t get in to ucd.</p>

<p>Those scores appear to be average for UCD. It was a very tough year this year for UCD admissions people with higher stats got rejected so my advice would be to apply broadly.
Davis average UC GPA for 2009 was 4.0, stat tables from UC Pathways
[UC</a> California freshman admissions for Fall 2009 - University of California Office of the President](<a href=“]UC”></p>

<p>Davis will be a stretch. UC gpa of 3.9 & 1900 scores were rejected the past couple of years. Also consider SB and Irvine.</p>

<p>Closer to 4.0 weighted is always better for the UCs, though she’s not in a terrible position. Summer community college coursework could help her with GPA (though it may be too late to enroll most plces). Might want to try the SAT one more time, too.</p>