Chance for any UCs or CSUs with my bad grades?

I am a junior in high school in California right now and I was wondering what type of colleges I could go into with these grades. I got a 4.1 GPA Freshman year, but obviously it doesn’t count for colleges. My grades obviously haven’t been good since freshman year, which I’m very disappointed about, but it’s too late too change it, so it is what it is.

Sophomore 1st semester and 2nd semester grades (1st semester, 2nd semester):
Band: A, A
World History: B+, A
Honors Algebra 2: B-, B-
Chemistry: B-, C-
English: B-, B-
Spanish 2: B, B

Junior Current Grades (1st semester, 2nd semester) :
AP US History: B, B-
Trig/Precalculus: A-, B-
Physics: B, B
English: B, B
Spanish: B-, B-
Computer Foundations: B, B

SAT Score: 1400

Extra Curriculars:
Varsity soccer starter for 2 years (3 years when I become senior)
Club soccer
Leadership program recognized by my school
100 hours of community service

Is this good enough for any UC or good CSUs? I plan on staying in California and I’m not sure on my major yet. For CSU, I would prefer to go to SJSU or SDSU, but my grades are terrible.

Your CSU/UC capped weighted GPA is around a 3.18. This GPA can get you into some Cal States but the UC’s are unlikely since the lowest average GPA is UC Merced at 3.71 as of 2018. You have a competitive SAT, so do you have any extenuating circumstances for your grades ie. Health issues?

SDSU will be a Reach with an average CSU GPA of 3.93. Your SAT offsets the GPA but still your eligibility index would be low. Below is an explanation of how the Cal states admit so do you have an intended major? Depending upon major, SJSU is very possible.

The Cal states admit by major and eligibility index. They really only consider GPA/Test scores/Geographic location and HS course rigor. Other than Cal Poly SLO, your EC’s are not considered.

You need to calculate your CSU/UC GPA using grades from a-g courses taken 10-11th.

Not sure which courses are a-g and will give you extra honors points, then use this link by typing in your HS name?

Cal states and the majority of the UC’s use the capped weighted GPA.

Then calculate your Eligibility index:
If you took the Redesigned SAT:
(CSU capped weighted GPA X 800) + (SAT Evidence Based Reading & Writing (EBRW) + Math Score) = Eligibility Index

Eligibility index for ACT:
(CSU capped weighted GPA X 200) + (ACT Composite x10)= Eligibility Index

**CSULB and SJSU use a modified EI for STEM/Engineering majors:

You will then be ranked based on EI and major and they accept from the top down until all spots are filled.

You will get priority at your local CSU which you can look up on this link. Local applicants usually require a lower EI to get an acceptance unless the program is highly impacted.

Impacted campuses/majors:

SJSU posts their EI threshold by major so here is the link and you can see how your EI stacks up:

when did a B+ average turn into ‘terrible grades’? look, with a 3.2ish GPA, the UCs aren’t likely to admit you (unless you are recruitable in Soccer). The UC system’s target audience is the to 5% ish of CA HS grads. Though you could probably handle the work, you’d probably be miserable someplace like UCLA. Conversely, with an Eligibility index over 3900, most programs at most of the CSUs would be happy to have you. SDSU is probably a stretch but almost all majors at SJ are probably open to you. Depending what you want from your studies and, more broadly, your college experience, take a look at Sonoma, Chico, maybe Humboldt or UNR.

Both of my kids were in the 3.2-3.5 GPA range and found great next steps at more accessible schools (Chico and Ft Lewis College a WUE school in Durango Co).

Based on the local service area link I posted, what is your Local CSU? This school could be your safety if your intended major is not impacted.

The link below shows average CSU GPA and test scores from 2018 admitted CSU applicants. See how your GPA and compare to the averages and you can determine some good target schools. If your Junior grades 2nd semester remain the same as what you have posted, your EI is 3944. This is a solid EI which could make you competitive for the majority of CSU’s. The competitive/reach campuses would be CSULB, SDSU, Cal Poly SLO, CSU Fullerton, CSU Fresno and Cal Poly Pomona (depending upon major). The non-impacted campuses such as Channel Islands, Bakersfield, Stanislaus, San Francisco, Dominguez Hills would be good Likely/Target schools.

UC Merced and and maybe Riverside could be possible since your EC’s, essays, HS course rigor will be taken into consideration so worth applying.

There are many private school options to consider in California: University of Redlands, University of La Verne, Cal Lutheran, Cal Baptist, St. Marys, Whittier College to name of few. As a CA resident, you are lucky that there are some many options in-state.

If you are interested in OOS schools, look at the WUE Schools where CA residents get discounted tuition. Here is the school list, but make sure your intended major is available.