Chance for Georgetown

<p>Hey guys, can you please chance me, I'm interested particularly in Georgetown and am a prospective senior. I'm of mixed race and fluent in both English and Chinese, which I hope will give me an edge in my application. Also, my father attended Dartmouth so will the legacy help me in getting in? Thanks</p>

Junior Year: Honors English, Honors Spanish, Honors Pre-Calculus, AP Psychology (4) </p>

<p>Senior Year: AP English, AP Spanish, AP Biology, AP US Gov., AP AB Calculus</p>

<p>GPA - Unweighted: 3.86
Class Size: 450</p>

<p>Scores: SAT - 2110
Math: 680
Critical Reading: 680
Writing: 750</p>

<p>SAT II Math Level 2 (IIC): 640
SAT II Bio - E: 630
SAT II Chinese with Listening: 790
(may take SAT II Lit. in October)</p>

<p>Significant Extracurriculars: Wind Ensemble, Jazz Band, International Club, Animal Rescue Club, Tri-M Honors Music Society, tennis </p>

<p>Leadership positions: President of Animal Rescue Club, Secretary and China Representative of International Club, Treasurer of Music Society</p>

<p>Volunteer/Service Work: Volunteered 25 hours at local animal shelter in summer, 10 hours of volunteer service required for Tri-M honors music society annually</p>

<p>Honors and Awards: member of National Honors Society, Tri-M Music Honors Society, Finalist in UN Haiku Contest</p>

<p>College Summer programs: US Eastern Music Camp for two weeks for two summers, attended the National Youth Leadership Conference</p>

<p>Chance me for:
1) Georgetown
2) Dartmouth - legacy
3) Columbia
4) UPenn
5) John Hopkins</p>

<p>Your father's legacy at Dartmouth will not help you get into Georgetown. Your scores are OK, but they're not fabulous. You've got a decent chance, but you're far from the most competitive applicant.</p>

<p>Are you applying to SFS?</p>

<p>Maybe, I'm interested in international buisness so yes, perhaps</p>

<p>SFS is generally regarded to be the most competitive program. So it would lower your chances a little.</p>

<p>ok, thanks for the advice :)</p>

<p>Are my chances good for other ivies as well such as Cornell or Columbia?</p>

<p>^Your chances are lower there than GTown.</p>

<p>Anybody else PLEASE?!</p>

<p>if you're interested in international business MSB would probably be a better option than SFS considering they have an actual Intl. Business major</p>

<p>Dude, a lotta people are fluent in chinese and english- some of the schools, especially some of hte ivies, require their students to be at least moderately proficient at a second language and I know Harvard requires that you take a test in that second language if you havent taken the AP, so knowing chinese wouldn't be a major major selling point. Also there isn't a place on the common app to list the languages you know...
Uhm, to boost your chances</p>

<li><p>more student service learning hours and community involvement</p></li>
<li><p>the standardized test scores could be higher which will give you more of an edge. e.g. especially on math II if you consider the fact that 10% of all test takers get a perfect. (WHAT??!! AN ASIAN NOT top 10 in math!??!)</p></li>
<li><p>i could be lil bit harsh (i'm sorry!) but some of your schools don't really look too realistic (e.g. columbia); your GPA and stuff is fine, but its just the tests and the extracurriculars that are more "normal" and don't stand out that much. They show your interests, certainly, but not your giving back to the school or general community in a very significant way. are you sure you're applying because you'll like the schools? Your writing score is very good, and you obviously can write amazing things in a gamut of forms, from prose to Haikus, so wouldn't a college like Haverford, Kenyon, Wesleyan etc. be a better match for your strengths? They have strong international programs as well, and don't rely soooo much on the tests and stuff, and are really well known as well.</p></li>

<p>Why are you wasting your time with Ivies (except for Dartmouth.) Like the poster above said, you should be looking at LACs.</p>

<p>ok thanks a lot! sry, can someone clarify what LAC's are?</p>

<p>Liberal Art Colleges</p>

<p>Dartmouth College is one of them, but the rest of your list is not.</p>

<p>Dartmouth's education is about as liberal arts as my grandmother is Groucho Marx. (She isn't.)</p>

<p>You shouldn't be looking at ivies. Don't have a chance. Look at some top liberal arts colleges...Amherst, Williams, Colgate, etc. Georgetown is a maybe.</p>

<p>Im not sure that Amherst and Williams are any easier to get into than some of the Ivies. Amherst and Williams are definitely harder to get into than Georgetown</p>

<p>Yeah, I see...thanks!</p>

<p>I would say Georgetown is a slight reach for you, but if you absolutely wanted to go there maybe apply early decision or early action.</p>

<p>I had my meeting with my high school dean today and by her words, Georgetown seems to be quite a reach, as much of as as colleges such as UPenn so I kinda need some really blatant and open chance-mes cause I would really like to know whether I have a decent chance, considering I'm planning to apply to the Walsh School of Foreign Service EARLY ACTION. Thanks</p>

<p>Please, I would really like to know before EA</p>

<p>You aren't the most competitive applicant... You will probably be deferred at Georgetown EA and possibly rejected RD...</p>