<p>I'm a junior in high school. I am from Connecticut, so I think getting in UCLA would be hard since I am from out of state.</p>
<p>Here are my stats:</p>
<p>My stats are:
4.2 GPA weighted
My counselor doesn't know my unweighted GPA [-(
Have not taken SAT or ACT yet (taking SAT in May, ACT in June), but current score in my SAT prep class is 1780 (pretty low but I'm work on it)</p>
<h1>16 rank in class, part of top tenth</h1>
Culinary Club
Art Club
Student government
100+ hours of community service, 90 or so of them come from me volunteering at the summer camp at an aquarium
<p>I have taken advanced/honors classes my entire high school career but below are the more significant ones (ones that have college credit or more difficult) </p>
<p>More of the prominent classes I am taking this year:
Americans Studies I (a UCONN college credit credit class offered at my high school, it is a combination of history and English, 7 UCONN credits)
AP Chem</p>
<p>Prominent classes I am planning on taking senior year
American Studies II (a continuation of AS I)
AP Psychology
Honors Physics (Panning to take the AP Physics test)
Statistics (Another UCONN college credit class)</p>
<p>I am aware I don't have a lot of EC's but I hope to work on them over the summer.
I am hoping to get into the DMA (Design/Media Arts) program. </p>
<p>I am also struggling between going into more of an art field like the DMA program or a more stable and well paying field like computer science.</p>
<p>Any help would be greatly appreciated! </p>
<p>Probably not much of a chance unless you score 2200 on the SAT. There are other good schools. </p>
<p>@ucanthrograd @menacing I will be working hard on my SATs I hope to get a 2200 but it probably won’t happen. The things I’m worried about are my EC’s because I feel like they’re weak. If I pump up SAT’s would I have a good chance of getting in? </p>
<p>You will directly get rejected from your SAT scores (pretty much), so improve them. By the way, extracurriculars isn’t really about how many you participate in, but how much dedication, achievement, and leadership you have in them,so just bear in mind of that. </p>
<p>@SCam1st I participate in student government mostly but I don’t have any leadership. I just participate and help plan the events that we plan in there. And I will definitely be working on my SAT scores. Do you have any other suggestions? It’s hard for me to get any leadership positions because they’re usually voted upon and I’m pretty shy and the most popular person always wins. So my chances of getting a leadership position is pretty low. </p>
<p>Dw I’m an INTJ and I got in last week. I had only one leadership EC and it was for starting this pathetic club. You should totally chance me btw. UC’s are like all about scores.</p>
<p>@menacing what does INTJ mean? and you have so many more EC’s than me, and bettering ranking hahaha but congrats on getting in
<p>i got a 2100 on my sats and i just got accepted to ucla last week. however, i do see students with lower sats get in. ucla, i’d say, is more concerned with gpa than with sat scores. So, maybe just bring that SAT score up by 100-200 points, and maintain your grades and extracurricular work, you will have a fair shot. :)</p>