Chance Me. 3.2 GPA 2320 SAT NMSF!!!

<p>Hey GUys,
So I've had some really disappointing early admission results. I was rejected from cornell, gatech, and illinois. Accepted only to Case Western, Rutgers, and Penn State.
Here are my stats:
GPA: 3.24/4
WGPA 3.81/5 (All honors courses/ AP Courses except World history and french 9th grade, french 10th grade)
AP Courses/Tests: US (4) Calc AB (4) European History (5) Biology (5)
SAT: 740 CR, 800 M, 780 W (2320 Composite)
SAT II: 800 Math II, 770 US, 750 Biology
EC: President of Business Club and Web Design Club, 3 Season Varsity Runner, Internships, Lots of good volunteering, Started non profit etc
Awards: National Merit Semifinalist, AP Scholar w Distinction
Essays: Good, not Great
Ethinicity: Asian, Income>400,000</p>

<p>At this point, I need to where you would recommend I apply. I would like to major in biology/ bioengineering. I applied to engineering schools, and now I think that those are too difficult to get into. I heard Mich LAS is easier. Do I have a chance there? How about USC? I'm also thinking of doing Emory or Vanderbilt ED II? How are my chances?</p>

<p>ALSO my counselor tried to find out why I did so poorly in school compared to on standardized tests just a week ago, after I told her I was rejected from all those places. She sent me to the school shrink, who sent me to a real psychiatrist, and waddayaknow i got ADHD and a prescription for Ridallin... She says that I as disorganized because of ADHD. Most of my low grades werent because of tests, but rather because I always forgot to turn in assignments on time, lost work sheets, couldn't focus etc. I know grades are really important to admissions, but at this point, I am doing better in the last two weeks, even though it's senior. I've done every assignment given to me! Also, could I write this in the extenuating circumstances and would it help me by any chance?</p>

<p>Thanks in advance!! Please recommend schools that may take my test scores into account when evaluating my application and not simply fixate themselves on the ridiculously low GPA.</p>

<p>You have admissions to three very good schools. Why do you need more?</p>

<p>No. I just edited it.</p>

<p>I live in NJ and really don’t want to go to Rutgers or Penn State. I would go to Case, but I hated the campus and they gave everyone else in my school a scholarship except for me… not that I can’t afford it. I applied to case only bc there was no essay. I really want to go to a top 30 school, and while it’s unlikely that it’s gonna happen, I at least want to try.</p>

<p>“Top 30” is a meaningless designation. There’s no accrediting body that ranks schools this way. Look again at the list and see how it was developed. There may be criteria that are completely irrelevant to your needs and situation.</p>

<p>For Rutgers, you’d get in-state tuition. Penn State is an excellent school. Both have strong alumni networks for job-hunting purposes. Case has terrific academics and research opportunities.</p>

<p>Be happy with what you got. Don’t you have more interesting ways to spend the next four months?</p>

<p>I do have a lot of fun things to do haha, but at this point I really want to try to get into a school that I really like, a campus that I could live with for four years. USC, Mich, and Emory/Vanderbilt have that. I just want to know my chances there, and maybe at other schools that are at the same tier.</p>

<p>You should not have applied to a safety that you knew you would be happy at…Those top schools seem rather unlikely with that GPA and being an ORM. Focus on finding matches and safeties that you would be happy at.</p>

<p>Is there anything wrong academically with Rutgers?</p>