Chance Me! - All UCs :)

Hi! I’m a senior in high school, and I recently just submitted my application. I was wondering if I have a shot at any of the UCs that I applied to, because I am slightly worried that I might not get accepted anywhere. Here are my stats:

Major: Actuarial Science at UCLA and UCSB, Computer Science everywhere else

UC GPA: 4.04
ACT: 31 (32 M, 32 R, 32 E, 29 S)
SAT I: 2130 (760 CR, 700 M, 670 W)
SAT II: 730 Math II and 560 (Yikes!) Physics

In terms of APs I have taken World History, Language and Composition, and Physics - Got 3s on all of these exams. Currently my senior year courseload is AP Literature, PLTW Medical Interventions (Honors class), AP Government, AP Chemistry, Robotics, and AP Stats.

From my second semester of my junior year through the summer before senior year, I’ve taken multiple classes at community colleges, namely - Calc 1, History of America, Sociology 1, and Mythology. Planning on taking Fundamentals of Computer Science spring semester.

Also, I have taken 3 years of a language at high school (Spanish) and outside of school, taken a 3 year Sanskrit Course, which involved me attending an online class every week from 8th to 10th grade, and attending camps over the summer both in America and India, where I spent two weeks immersed in a Sanskrit-only environment. It all culminated in me getting certified by University of Pennsylvania, at the camp in India.

I’d like to say I was fairly active in terms of extra-curricular activities:

  • High School Tennis Team - Starter from 9th to 11th grade, there's a pretty solid chance I'll start this year too
  • Academic Decathlon - member of a county-winning team freshman year, starter of the team, captain, founder, top scorer every year
  • DECA - Co-founder/Vice President, Participated in State Conference, but didn't place top 3
  • Interact - Secretary, Active volunteer, I guess? I was part of the officer team when the club got chartered, so there's that
  • Chess Club - Founder/Public Relations, I organized a tournament the first year, and it was rather successful
  • Economics Club - Co-founder/Treasurer - We prepared for the Economics Challenge Competition pretty much
  • Marching Band - Clarinet Captain, Woodwind Section Leader, our band was decent, so we won pretty often

Aside from all the school stuff:

  • Learned classical Indian music for 12 years
  • Organized an SAT Tutoring Class in my community with a couple friends - we taught about 30 kids in each of two sessions a week long (as in we made practice tests, tested them, taught them how to tackle problems, etc.)
  • Currently teaching both young children and adults how to converse in Sanskrit - weekly class
  • Volunteered a LOT (made and served food at a homeless shelter, made them care packages, also volunteered around the community a bit)

I am top 9% of my high school, but I know that doesn’t matter. I am an in-state applicant. If ethnicity matters (which I’m pretty sure it does), I’m Indian-American.

Anyway, I’m hoping to go to UCB or UCLA, but I know those are long shots, especially with my GPA. However, it would be great to find out if I have a decent chance of making it to any of the UC schools.

Thanks in advance!

What is your fully weighted UC GPA since UCLA/UCB will also consider it?

CS is probably one of the most competitive majors at the UC’s. Your test scores are a bit low for the top UC’s but your HS course rigor is very competitive. It may come down to your EC’s and essays.

Freshman admit rates for UC GPA of 3.80-4.19:

UCB: 12%
UCLA: 14%
UCSD: 39%
UCSB: 49%
UCD: 52%
UCI: 57%
UCSC: 83%
UCR: 90%
UCM: 92%

UCSD: Low Reach
UCSB: High Match
UCI/UCD: Match-High Match

Good Luck and you will get into several schools come Spring.


Thanks for letting me know! My UC GPA is 4.04, found using that calculator. My overall GPA is 4.14 W and 3.77 UW. One of the drawbacks of my high school is that even if I take a community college course, they don’t put it on my transcript unless I need it to graduate from high school. So, of the classes above, only History of America would be on my transcript. Also, Spanish III, which I took online, won’t show up on my transcript since a) I didn’t take it at the high school, I did it online, and b) our high school only requires 2 years of Spanish to graduate. I have to make up for that by sending four different transcripts if any schools require it. :confused:

Again, thank you so much! I am the first person to attend college in my family in America, so I’m honestly clueless about how everything happens.

It does not matter if your college courses are not on your high school transcript, they are still used in the GPA calculation and you get extra honors points for those courses. Also your Spanish III course and grade would be reported on your UC Application and yes you would have to send transcripts for all these courses to the UC you would eventually enroll in.

i agree with @Gumbymom 's assessment. UCB and UCLA will be the toughest. did you apply for EECS or just CS at berkeley? if the latter, i think you’ll have a much better chance since CS is in L&S. i don’t think you’ll have a problem getting into the other UCs. for UCSD, i am pretty sure you’ll get into the university as a whole, but maybe not the CS major since it is a capped major. is your alternate major also capped? in that case, you may be admitted to UCSD as undeclared. good luck! chance me back?