Chance me at UW-Madison(RD)

GPA: 3.5
ACT: 26
One AP Class(Junior Year): AP US History, Score: 4
Took four Honors classes Junior Year. Taking four APs and one honors in senior year.
Extracurriculars- Director of Gospel Choir, National Honor Society(Historian), Youth Health Service Corps, Track and Field, Marquette Upward Bound Program, Medical College of Wisconsin Step-Up Program, Web Design Internship, Volunteering at Hospital and Habitat for Humanity, and prior part-time jobs. 100= Volunteer hours.
Awards- Honor Roll, Wisconsin Association of Music Award, Best English Student,
Excellent Personal Statement
In State Applicant

I applied to the psychology program and music performance as my 2nd choice.

Are you planning to visit campus to audition? You are low stat even for WI resident, but a good music audition may help depending on what you are auditioning for? My kid went through the audition process last year.