Chance me CCC to UC Berkeley Transfer!

Hey guys!
This semester, I’m applying to transfer to most of the UCs and my target is Berkeley.
What are my chances of getting into UCB as an econ or Haas major with what I have so far?

GPA: 3.97

Work Experience:
-Head Tennis Instructor
I run a youth camp for Scott Perl­stein’s Ten­nis En­ter­prise. My re­spon­si­bil­ity is to give ten­nis in­struc­tion and in­still in my stu­dents in­ter­est in the game

-Private Tennis Instructor
My goal is to in­tro­duce be­gin­ners to the mod­ern game and share my pas­sion for the sport. I ob­tain clients through my in­struc­tional web­site and Craigslist.

Awards/Honors so far:
-Dean’s List of Honor Students for Spring 2016
-Member of Alpha Beta Gamma - an In­ter­na­tional Busi­ness Honor So­ci­ety es­tab­lished in 1970 to rec­og­nize and en­cour­age schol­ar­ship among two-year col­lege stu­dents in busi­ness cur­ric­ula.

-Tennis Instructional Website
A ten­nis blog where I write ar­ti­cles on strat­egy, tech­nique, and men­tal­ity. The goal is to reach out to a wider ten­nis au­di­ence and po­ten­tial clients.

-Tennis YouTube Channel
I cre­ate tu­to­ri­als and analy­sis videos. My in­tent is to in­form the ten­nis com­mu­nity of the mod­ern game and it was an­other way to reach po­ten­tial clients.

-Business Club
We cre­ate mock busi­nesses and de­ter­mine how they would fare by test­ing them out on cam­pus. For ex­am­ple, this year we at­tempted a ce­real busi­ness.

-Kim Grant Tennis Academy Business/Design Internship
I ren­o­vated their web­site and re­designed a lot of ban­ners and posters in order to make the fa­cil­ity and busi­ness over­all look more invit­ing and at­trac­tive. I also learned and experienced the innards of a small business.

Honest opinions are much appreciated!

You can look up some stats here:

With Haas, it’s really, really hard to say. 3.97 is obviously a great GPA and you have some solid extracurriculars, but the competition is fierce. It would really come down to you being able to illustrate what impacts you’ve made and why you’re so unique that they should choose you.

If you’re interested in both econ and Haas, it’ll be a dilemma choosing which to apply to because you can only choose one … and econ lets in quite a few more applicants with less applicants overall.