Chance Me Early Decision PLEASE!!!

<p>Junior at NOVA.
Planning on applying early decision to pamplin next year.
3.2 uw gpa, 3.7 weighted gpa because of my 10 AP classes.
1840 SAT score (1240 Math + CR) and I've only taken it once
3 honor societies(Math, Music, National)
President of Young Democrats, Captain of Quiz Bowl, Historian of Band
Doing lots of volunteering for obama re-election campaign
Have done band/marching band for 4 years and have made several county honor ensembles</p>

<p>Here is a snapshot of the class of 2016-you can get an idea of how you compare.
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Your SAT is average for an admitted student but your GPA is going to hurt you, and being from NoVa is really going to hurt you. Have a few backups you really like.</p>

<p>I mean, I think I can boost my SAT score, I don’t know by how much but i’d assume a 1950</p>

<p>will the fact that i’m taking 10 ap classes through high school help me. I have a C+ in BC Calc as a junior, and a C+ in AP Chem. In my school, you get a C in the class and a 5 on the exam. Will colleges see this and like it???</p>

<p>Your best source of information is going to be your GC. Ask what accepted students to VT have looked like as far as GPA, scores, & rigor. This is very regional for VT and can even vary from one hs to the next within the same county based on what’s offered. You’ve got an inside source. Use it! Best of luck.</p>

<p>Colleges will like that you took a very challenging courseload. Calc BC as a Junior is accelerated. I understand your frustration at getting C+s while "5"s on the AP. On the bright side, once you get into VT those "5"s are worth course credit and they won’t care that your HS teacher gave you a C+.</p>

<p>Since you are so accelerated in Math the reasonable expectation would be for you to score well on the math portion of the SAT. Did you score high on Math and low of reading or was it more 640-600?</p>

<p>I actually got a 640 on the math section hahahaha. Actually, a lot of us in bc calc found the sat math section trickier than the ap exam, because a lot of is algebra/geometry that we learned in middle school</p>

<p>I was wondering if I have any shot whatsoever. VTech is my #1, I’ve wanted to go to VTech for the longest time now, and so I’m going to apply early decision no matter what. I just wanted to know whether I have any chance whatsoever, because people with 3.9s and some with 3.8s are being accepted, and I’ve heard its a little easier to get in if you apply early decision</p>

<p>Yes, you do have a shot. But, I would try to boost your SAT scores as you can’t do anything about your gpa now. Also consider writing a personal statement about how the high standards at your HS have prepared you for college using the tough C+ grading versus the 5s on APs. Good luck -</p>

<p>Thanks a lot. I was actually considering writing that, and it’s nice to know that someone else agrees that its a good idea</p>

<p>Also my class rank is top 30% in a class of 515 because of two reasons.

  1. Because of grade inflation, there are like 30 kids who have like 4.2+ gpas
  2. The majority of the remaining people in my grade take academic classes and get As so they have a higher gpa.</p>

<p>To #3 (Chuy):</p>

<p>Why would being from NoVA hurt chances?</p>

<p>Anyways, why can’t we quote in this board?</p>

<p>because NoVA is super competitive and colleges want diversity in their school from various parts of the state and nation</p>

<p>You actually can quote, you just have to type the quote tags manually and copy paste what you’re quoting. I think it’s just the word ‘quote’ in brackets with a / on the last one but I’m on my phone right now.</p>

<p>NOVA hurts because of the diversity thing yeah, and also that they judge you somewhat against the other applicants from your school (area?), and a lot of top students from NoVa apply to VT.</p>

<p>To quote:</p>


insert text here

<p>Remove the *'s</p>



<p>you can also bold or italicize:</p>

<p>VT is my [b&lt;em&gt;]first[/b</em>] choice!</p>


<p>VT is my [i&lt;em&gt;]first[/i</em>] choice!</p>

<p>again remove the *'s and you get:</p>

<p>VT is my first choice!</p>

<p>VT is my first choice!</p>

<p>Just got SAT score from June. Math: 710, CR: 670, Writing: 570.
Math + CR = 1380…Total = 1950
I’m not good at grammar, but I think my 2 part score is good. Will this boost my chances of getting into Pamplin</p>

<p>That helped a lot, actually. You’re now higher than the middle 50% for SAT and just at the bottom of the middle 50% on GPA.</p>

<p>Do you know if its easier to get in Early Decision, because i was told that by several kids who are going there but I was told by my counselor it was not. Which is correct??</p>

<p>I don’t know that anybody really knows the answer to that, but I’d believe the counselor.</p>

<p>If you are 100% set on VT and financial aid isn’t really an issue I’d apply VT (that’s what I did, actually, although it was 6 years ago.) That way you’ll either know that you’re in, know that you’re not in, or know that you’re on the edge. It could save you some time applying to other schools or it could show you than you need to spend time applying to them.</p>

<p>Also, and this is completely my opinion, I always thought having two people that could say ‘yes’ (early admissions and then regular admissions if you’re deferred) can only help your odds.</p>