Chance Me-Fall 2020 Transfer(CS)

I attend one of the TOP 4 SUNY colleges with a major in CS, and I am an international student with an F-1 visa.

  1. GPA: 3.9/4.0
  2. Credits: 34 credit hours
  3. Course breadth:
  • English Composition I(A-),
  • Physics I(A) w/ Lab(A-),
  • General Chem I(A) w/o Lab,
  • Calculus I(A)&II(A),
  • one Informatics course(A-),
  • three Computer Science courses(A-, A, A).
  1. EC & Awards & Volunteer & Employment:
  • two years of employment as a programmer at an IT company in South Korea. > Post High School
  • Student Government - Class president(Leader) > Grade 10
  • Outstanding Academic Achievement - Dean's List on Spring & Fall at my current college. > Post High School
  • Community Service - Environmental Conservation(Volunteer) > Grade 9-12
  • Self-directed Learning UCC Contest - Participation Prize > Grade 10
  • Other Sport Winnings
  1. English Proficiency: Waived
  2. SAT/ACT: N/A(Not Submitted)
  3. Reference letters: 3 letters from English Professor, Major Professor, and Math Professor.
  4. HS GPA: Prolly 2.0~3.0(American standards). Not certain because I don't know how to convert my HS GPA obtained in South Korea. This low score is my biggest concern in transfer admission.
  5. Two Essays: I believe my essays will be touching to the counselors. I talk about the experience that I had during my time at an IT company as an internship. I developed my own program to reduce repetitive work, and as a result, I completed the project, expected to be done in half a year, only within a week. I mentioned how this experience motivated me on many levels and connected the benefits with my future academic studies at UW-Madison.

How do you see my chance of getting into UW-Madison in CS?

Your good college record supplants your HS one. Hope you get the transfer- likely in my book.