Chance me for admission

Applying for CS major. If I’m not correct UW gives admissions to the whole college, not a specific major first?


-GPA: 3.684 UW, 4.647 W. I took 6 AP classes through junior year and rest mainly honors. I am taking 5 AP classes senior year.(The only Bs I got were in like history and english classes)(3.67 GPA freshman yr, 3.47 GPA sophomore yr, and 3.915 GPA junior yr)

-I took all comp sci classes and high level math classes and achieved As in all of these classes
ACT: 32/36 with a 33/36 superscore


-One week CS/Stem internship at motorola at which my group won 3rd place and medal for designing and coding a product to help firefighters in the field.(Personally congratulated by real firefighter for excellent project)

-8 week CS internship at a local IT company where we designed a drone that is controlled by your brain and also used SQL(Database software) to upload live battery data (Won trophy for outstanding project)

-Website design team for 3 years where we designed and coded a website that shows traffic monitoring, attractions, and routes to people who went to nationals for BPA around the Washington D.C. area.

-Swim team for 4 years

-Debate team for 2 years(won medal at at a competition)

-Math team for 2 years

-60+ volunteer hours

-Local Hackathon attended for 2 years || Learned MIT App Inventor, React JS, Databases, and Node JS. Created many different projects using these tools such as a twitter bot


-Residency: Illinois

-Class/Race: Middle class indian male

-My essays are 8/10(Reviewed by professional tutors)

Your stats are right in the meat of what UW usually accepts. I would say you have good chances. UW doesn’t super score, and doesn’t necessiarly consider your WGPA.

Good Luck

Agree with good chances.