Chance me for class of 2018?

<p>So am I right in thinking that it is very likely ill get in? Should I be aiming a little higher, or is Madison a good match school for my stats? (Or <em>gasp</em> am I aiming to high?!)</p>

<p>In state
White female
Not first generation or legacy
ACT:31 (hoping to retake for a 32)
Uw gpa:3.9
5 APs by the end of this year, probably 3 or 4 more next year.</p>

2 Sports (4 years, but varsity only 2 years)
FBLA (4 years)
German Club (its complicated..)
NHS (2 years)
Student Government (2 years)
50+ volunteer hours
Part time job (2 years for one, 2 for another)</p>

<p>Exchange Student to Germany summer before junior year</p>

Multiple National and State awards for German (one actually from UW Madison)
Award from FBLA regionals competition
Coach's Award (1 of 2 people picked out of 60+ teammates)</p>

<p>And I think my LORs will be pretty good since I take weird classes that only have like 20 kids in the whole program, so my teachers know me very well since freshman year:)</p>

<p>Why aim ‘higher’? </p>

<p>What is your intended major?</p>

<p>What is your (your parents’) budget for college?</p>

<p>By higher i mean that obviously there are “better” schools academically than UW Madison, but I’m not sure i would get into any that are more selective than Madison. I’m not sure what my major will be but I know it won’t be math or science related. And as for our budget, as of now my parents have enough saved to pay for all 4 years of Madison even without financial aid (which I probably won’t get much of anyways). Anything more expensive I’d probably have to take out a loan but they aren’t completely against it.</p>

<p>I find it interesting when kids say ‘higher’ or ‘better’ but don’t have an intended major. It seems then in many cases that the H.S. student or parent is really thinking of bragging rights or reputation, and not basing it on the best institutions for an intended major.</p>

<p>There are a lots of schools that are harder to gain admission, but that doesn’t mean they are better schools. If you are undecided on your major then a large school like UW will offer many choices of majors and most departments are top rated. I am from Connecticut, one factor in choosing UW is for 35K it’s a great value. As an example we decided not to apply to UM because we didn’t think it was a good value.</p>

<p>Parent of freshman, OOS, here. With 3.9 UW and 31, you should be fine for admission instate.</p>

<p>Instate tuition, with all the opportunities at UW would be hard to trade. Sure, maybe a smaller private, like Northwestern, Vanderbilt, Wash U, might have greater name recognition. But the academics at UW are terrific, plus the opportunities in Honors program, undergrad research program etc, all add to the experience for motivated students – making it hard to see why you would feel the need to go elsewhere. </p>

<p>Although we started out thinking our son was a small LAC kind of kid, we were ultimately delighted when he insisted he wanted the big public experience. Even with OOS tuition, UW is an incredible place and a fair bargain, price wise. </p>

<p>Assuming you are admitted, I would encourage you to apply for Honors program. Each admitted student is invited to apply, though you need to watch those emails, as your own Honors application deadline is tied to your acceptance date – something like 4-6 weeks after acceptance. You can apply after fall freshman year as well, but there can be advantages to having Honors advising at SOAR (summer registration and orientation). My son describes Honors not as some separate group of kids, off doing Honors on their own – rather, an individual choice to do deeper, more challenging work within your classes. He did Honors as an add-on to his foreign language class this past fall semester and is taking an Honors discussion section with the Prof this spring in a field he is considering majoring in. </p>

<p>Good luck, and enjoy your senior year!</p>

<p>Its not the right fit for you.</p>

<p>Midwestmomofboys, thanks that was very helpful. Everyone else, thanks for assuming all sorts of things. Please, just because I don’t have an intended major doesn’t mean that UW is the best school ever for me. It’s just an option I’m looking at. Glad you guys love Madison so much but really no need to be harsh and defensive.</p>

<p>From the OP (Sounds like she wants to go to UW-Madison):</p>

<p>“I don’t understand why people think that going to a state university is such a terrible thing. Some state schools are actually pretty competitive and not just anyone gets in! Obviously they aren’t as selective as top lacs and the Ivy League, but that doesn’t mean they’re bad schools. My state school could be considered “below me,” and I know I could get into better schools, but I’m choosing to go to my state flagship because its my dream school and everything that I want. I’m not getting any large amount of money from them, but I guess I just got lucky that my perfect school is in state. I honestly don’t think I’d be as happy at other schools and that’s not me being bitter.”</p>

<p>Madison85, this is a shared account with my twin, but again, thanks for assuming.</p>

<p>I’m closing this thread since the OP is sharing the account with another person.</p>