<p>Hi, I will be applying to Cornell's school of engineering for RD. </p>
<p>Keep in mind that I am well aware that this is a reach school. I just want to know how I stand. Thanks!</p>
<p>GPA: 3.67 UW
Top 5% of class.
Took 7 APs and the most challenging schedule offered by my school (one of three students taking the most difficult schedule, if that matters.)</p>
<p>Math scores will leave admissions questioning whether you can handle the rigor of the engineering program at Cornell & if it is in your best interest to be admitted.</p>
<p>Math scores are not fine. This is the college of engineering, where the 25th percentile math score is a 730. I would bet like at least half the engineers also got an 800 on the Math II since it’s so lenient (up to 7-8 wrong I believe?)…Let me warn you that even if you do manage to get in, you are going to struggle IMMENSELY. There are many people who got perfect math scores and 5’s on their AP Calcs getting C’s in engineering math classes, which is like bottom 10-20% of the class. </p>
<p>That goes for you too Diego. I don’t know if you are an URM or not, but you are the exception and not the norm. Cornell engineering is no joke.</p>