Chance me for General Engineering?

Major: General Engineering

MCA: 4500

GPA: 3.7 (yay freshman year!)

SAT: 1500

ECs: Robotics, Track, Scouting

I’d assume that given my GPA, I wouldn’t stand that much of a chance. But I’m not too sure.

It’s all about the MCA. Your SAT is helping offset your GPA. I’d say you are probably on the bubble. Fingers crossed. Good luck!

@eyemgh I’m only a high school junior thankfully. Do you think I could attempt to take the ACT, get a 35-36, and then convert the score to receive a higher MCA?

SAT and ACT are very different. You can look up SAT/ACT diagnostic to see whether you’d be better taking it or not. 1500, depending on your score, probably equates to a 35 to 36 anyway. I don’t know the concordance tables for the new SAT, but 1500 is high. Get great grades the rest of the year if you want the max impact.

@eyemgh Sorry to bother you so much, but according to the Official SAT/ACT concordance tables, as well as the one given by the MCA calculator, a 35-36 should bump me up around 50-100 MCA points, since a 34 is a 1500. Would that only help me by a small or significant amount?

Any bump helps, but don’t assume taking the ACT will result in a high score. They are very different tests. After you do a diagnostic test, you might learn that your efforts are best spent retaking the SAT.