Chance me for GW


I am a current high school senior at a competitive high school.
Here are my stats:
Weighted GPA: 3.7166
Unweighted GPA: 3.55
Intended Major: Finance
I had an upward trend throughout (9-12) I took no honors or AP classes freshman year, and then slowly worked my way up)
Took a lot of honors classes in 10th and 11th and 12th
AP Classes: AP Calculus AB, AP Physics 1, AP Microeconomics, AP Computer Science Principles, AP calculus BC, AP Bio, AP Gov Pol, AP French, AP Stat
EC: FBLA(Placed at State Conference), Black Belt, NHS, French Honor Society, XSTEM(mentor younger students in STEM field), played piano for 8 years
Volunteer: Library, Religious School, Autism Center

Summer: I am worked on a research project with a professor and did an internship in Finance

I am planning to apply regular decision please chance me

While nothing in your application is bad, it doesn’t really jump-out, either. Your GPA is a little low, and while you have a variety of EC’s, most aren’t related to your intended field of study. As-is, I think GW is a bit of a reach for you. Not entirely out of the question, though, depending on what you do between now and the application deadline.

if you really want to go to GW and major in finance, I’d suggest you pick-up some experience in the field RIGHT NOW, be it job shadowing or some sort of volunteer experience. You also need to reach-out to GW and start showing your interest in the school (tour if possible, speak with the Admissions Rep in your area, etc). Someone with your stats that was REALLY passionate about GW stands a chance. Someone that’s not that into GW most likely won’t make the cut.

Good luck!

I will say that the finance major at the George Washington School of Business requires you to take Calculus 2. If I could go back I would have personally taken that class in high school or even before transferring. Some courses that will make your stand out, or at least save you some serious time are AP Stats, AP Macro, AP Micro, Calculus 2. All business majors at GWSB students have to take an upper level statistics course, introductory microeconomics and macroeconomics course and an upper level division math course. I’ll say that if you ever try to transfer into GWSB those courses will really help make your application stand out. IMO, taking those courses and getting solid A’s and B’s in them demonstrates readiness as those courses are prequisites to a number of upper division courses you will have to take your junior and senior year. Most of the GWSB transfer students I met in my transfer development course had taken introductory accounting and economics courses. Finally, it does seem that you’ve got the stat and introductory microeconomics…this is good just make sure you get solid 4’s or 5’s so you don’t have to take those courses at George Washington. Not saying that the latter is necessarily a bad thing but it’s certainly nice to have those courses done so you can go straight into the more advanced courses such as FINA 4301: Financial Derivatives. Taking courses such as those early on can really make you stand out when you apply to competitive internships.
Good luck!

Just another comment to throw out there that may be worth considering: at GW, there is a BS in finance and a BBA with a finance concentration. The former is a smaller and more selective program than the latter, so admission is subsequently harder.