Chance me GWU 2021

Male, White, Florida
GPA: 4.3 W, 3.9 UW
SAT: 1320
EC’s: Charity Founder & President, Model UN Member, Intern for US Senator (state office), Job, Hospital Volunteer>300hrs.
AP: AP Eng. Lit, AP US Govt (4,5)
Senior Year AP’s: AP Psych, AP Eng. Lang, AP Human Geo.
Personal Essay: experience with my charity

Chances for ED?

@gdubya @NHuffer (tagging y’all due to your demonstrated knowledge of the school itself). Any feedback is greatly appreciated, thank you!

Good stuff keep it up…just make sure you write a dope essay and provide convincing reasons for why you want to attend George Washington. What school at George Washington are you applying to? Right now you look like you would be a good fit for the Columbian School of Art and Science; however, if you find a major outside of CCAS that piques your interest you can always do an internal transfer after freshman year. It’s really easy to take classes outside of your main school here. I’m in the business school, for example, so I can speak to the magic of GWSB. One nice thing that’s very nice about GWSB is that the curriculum is cohesively integrated. The introductory courses you take in accounting, finance and economics all have carry over into upper division courses and among those upper division courses there is a lot of carry over between courses. You’re not just learning how to memorize formulas or learning cut and dry from textbooks…professors actually try to engage students in class discussions and have them consider other viewpoints. So if you’re taking an upper level management and finance course in the same semester it’s not unusual to see similar terminology and concepts overlap between those courses. The interesting thing is seeing those concepts being used in different ways. Anyways, I digress. Your results look good and the fact that you’re homeschooled may make you an attractive choice to George Washington as the university wants a variety of students.

Do you have an intended major yet or know the school within GW you’ll be applying to?

Your GPA/SAT numbers are good, you’ve got lots of volunteer time/community involvement. I agree with @GWYalie1994 in that being homeschooled you’re more attractive from the diversity standpoint. Applying ED will help your chances, also.

With that said, I think your application is very well-rounded, but you still need to think about how to sell yourself. If you’ve read other ‘chance me’ posts, it’s always recommended to do what you can to show interest in GW (tour, chat with Admissions Rep, etc) as the school wants to make sure they only admit who really wants to attend. If you can do that in an essay, I think your chances are excellent.

Good luck!

I second the feedback you’ve already received!!! Though I will disagree that homeschooling is going to show diversity. Being a male form Florida will help though! Regardless, that’s neither here nor there…

Your GPA, test scores, and EC’s are very solid, and will give you as good of a shot as anybody. However, it’s important that you sell yourself as a candidate beyond “I’ve got good grades and did volunteer work.” That’s awesome, but literally every half decent application to GW says that. To sell yourself better you should consider (emphasis on my word choice) switching your personal essay from talking about charity work to something that better suits what sort of things you’d like to pursue at GW. Further, you should do the obvious and demonstrate interest; as you should with any school that you’re serious about.

As I say on every one of these ‘chance me’ posts, GW friggin loves it when a kid is passionate about something, has demonstrated that passion in high school, and shows how GW can help them further that passion. You didn’t say what you’re interested in studying, but here’s an example of what I mean:

You could apply as a poly sci major, write about how learning the inner workings of the Florida State Legislature during your internship really struck a chord, and how going to college 3 blocks from the White House will allow you to continue to pursue your newly developed interest and contribute to GW’s politically engaged student body. Then if that story is BS and you want to be a doctor, you switch your major to chemistry at orientation without consequence.

Let me know if you want any more info. I’m happy to be a resource.