Chance me for I.D. Please Respond!

<p>I have a 3.7 GPA (weighted) and have taken 5 total AP classes in my high school career (currently a senior). AP Stat, AP English 3, AP English 4, AP Psych., AP US History. I am in numerous clubs, some I hold positions in like student council. I play varsity baseball and have done 150+ hours of volunteer work. I went to Tech's design camp over the summer. I got a 1710 (1170 on M+R) (600 math, 570 reading, 540 writing) on SATs and 24 on ACTs (25 english, 27 math). I am out-of-state and applied early decision into the Industrial Design major which is restricted and requires better SAT scores (like 1250+ for math/reading). What are my chances of getting into the major and Tech as a whole?</p>

<p>Your chances for ID are pretty remote. ID is in the CAUS and is really really hard to get in to. Harder than engineering.</p>

<p>Your chances for getting in the college I’d peg at a reach. You’re at the bottom 25% for SAT and GPA. Your odds aren’t 0 but they aren’t great.</p>

<p>Don’t try to come here as University Studies and transfer to ID.</p>

<p>Are you in the I.D. program at VT? If so how are the people, do they seem so much more “advanced” than everyone else? I know the school wants to make it hared to get into, but why do it with SAT scores? A portfolio would be a good indicator of whether someone is fit for the major. I may not have the best scores, but my art teacher wrote a good rec. letter and I am very serious about it.</p>

<p>slynn, This field (and all of the disciplines in the College of Arch and Urban Studies) are extremely hard to get into due to the restricted nature. There are only so many spaces and so many applicants. Numbers, as in GPA, SATs, class rank, etc. are the way the admissions office filters through and provides them with the opportunity to take the highest achievers. While your statistics are acceptable for Virginia Tech as a whole (3.7+ seems to be a big factor for GPA), your numbers are low for CAUS and there lies your problem.</p>

<p>This school does not use a portfolio submission bc they feel that some applicants would be at a disadvantage due to lack of hs offerings in the arts/design courses. We aren’t trying to discourage you, just offering realistic input based on statistics and history of those admitted in the past. </p>

<p>It may actually help that you are OOS (bc of the $ your tuition could bring in), but I would strongly suggest you also have a backup plan and have other schools you can apply to in case you are denied or waitlisted. </p>

<p>Like chuy said, it is very difficult (and expensive) to go in as a university studies admit and transfer into ID, so if that path is offered by VT, consider it very carefully. Best wishes to you.</p>

<p>Ok, but I feel I can get in. I have shown a lot of interest and everything else on my application shines except for my SAT scores. I am confident and optimistic. I technically have two chances to get in, once in Early Decision, and once in regular decision if I’m denied for E.D. I know they except twenty and the admissions are more difficult but I am confident.</p>

<p>And on Tech’s website it says, “Effective Fall 2012, this major is not available to transfer applicants - only freshman applicants may apply into this major.” So maybe there’s a better chance because its only available for freshmen. Also, don’t you think they inflate grades and scores for the major along with every other college to make it seem more competitive? They may inflate the grades so they can show they want “the cream of the crop” even though a bit lower in scores may be competitive. As you can tell, I am very serious about this. Hahaha.</p>

<p>slynn695 “Also, don’t you think they inflate grades and scores for the major along with every other college to make it seem more competitive?”</p>

<p>I don’t think they inflate the grades or SAT scores. The grades may seem inflated but that’s probably because some HS have relatively easy grading and scoring policies. Good luck but always be prepared with a fall back position if you are not accepted.</p>

<p>I applied ED for industrial design as well; I’m nervous!</p>

<p>planes42: are you like me, borderline? Are you in state?</p>

<p>No, I’m out of state, and I’m above their average test scores/GPA.</p>

<p>First of all, if you really want ID go for it. Second, you may not be that far off. My son was admitted ED had a 3.8 weighted, 630 M 600 V and 590 Writing. In HS he took Arch drawing, Technical drawing, and construction and small engines-no art classes at all. </p>

<p>As stated, it is highly competitive to get in, but the range of applicants may vary slightly each year. My son has since transferred out of ID, but mentioned that he felt that most other students were very high level and experienced in areas (CAD, photoshop etc) that he had only some exposure to.</p>