Industrial Design at VT

<p>I was accepted into the industrial design program at VT and i was wondering what current students and other acceptees thought of it. What are the workload and facilities like? How are the classes? Is there a foundation year of art and if so how is it? Do you like it? What work and internship opportunities are there? And anything else you can think of that is helpful. Thank you so much</p>

<p>What are your stats?</p>

<p>GPA: 4.01
SAT: 760 (math)
720 (rc)

<p>I also do lots of extracurriculars such as theatre, choir, and varsity lax.</p>

<p>I am going there next year for industrial design, accepted early decision :slight_smile: I am really looking foward to it. I absolutely LOVE it. I love the campus, the location, and expecially the ID department. I visited there, and all the teachers were extreamly nice, friendly, and willing to talk to me. One student even offered to show me around their dorm hall. Another one offered to show me the way to the dinner, across campus. </p>

<p>yes, there is somewhat of a “introduction year”. The fist year you are in classes with other people from the college of architecture and design. this included ID students, architecture students, interior design students, and also landscaping students. You may also have specific ID classes too, not sure on this one. </p>

<p>The ID building is amazing!!! I LOVE IT! It has its own library. And the design studio is completely awesome. It is one huge room, with a desk for every ID/arch student. It is underground, or partially underground, but has huge sky lights that make the space feel very open. it is very well lit. Then the ID half also has a “kiva”. It is a smaller round circle room with white boards on the interior walls. This is used for design discussion. you start at one point on the wall and write ideas or whatever all the way around on the circular walls. </p>

<p>If you have any other questions, let me know. Although i am not a student there yet, I love the school and am very excited to go there next year :)</p>

<li>Oh there are roughly 100 arch students, and 20 ID students. So althought the VT is quite huge, the school of ID is small. Everyone knows everyone. As i was walking with a professor down the hall, he said hi to many students, using their first names.</li>

<p>chiles, you hit on something in your last comment that I think is noteworthy to many students who look at VT as being too big or a place where they will be just another student/number. Many of Virginia Tech’s departments are small, just like Industrial Design, and you will get quite a bit of professor attention as you get into your major. </p>

<p>Aside from some of the larger CLE classes which can be well over 100 students, being in a group of 20 isn’t out of the norm. My s is a 'scaper :slight_smile: and has been in small classes throughout his time there. As a mom I was initially worried about his desire to go to such a big school, but my fears were put to rest in his first semester. He loves the fact that he gets the big school environment, i. e. sports, meeting people from all over, and still gets the personal attention of a small LAC. </p>

<p>You will love it there and that department is terrific. Best of luck to you and the OP! :)</p>