Chances for Industrial Design (E.D.)

<p>I have a 3.7 GPA (weighted) and have taken 5 total AP classes in my high school career (currently a senior). AP Stat, AP English 3, AP English 4, AP Psych., AP US History. I am in numerous clubs, some I hold positions in like student council. I play varsity baseball and have done 150+ hours of volunteer work. I went to Tech's design camp over the summer. I got a 1700 (600 math, 570 reading, 530 writing) on SATs (re-taking) and 24 on ACTs (25 english, 27 math). I am out-of-state and applying Early Decision into the industrial design major which is restricted and requires better SAT scores (like 1250+ for math/reading). What are my chances of getting into the major and Tech as a whole?</p>

<p>My son’s GPA was a few points higher and SAT’s 1235, instate ED. Based on the class of 2014 he was a bit under the average for ID-but still got in. He has since transferred out of the program but at the time, he was encouraged to apply ED if that was the program he really wanted. At best he was admitted, or if he stats were OK, would be in University studies with an option to transfer in.
He did say that some students were in his 1st year studio as an audit and then were able to take foundation courses 2nd semester with approval of the arch dean.
Best of luck!</p>